WWOOF Mexico

justine gosset
  • Female
  • France
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  • Farms (25)
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Justine gosset's Contacts

  • Carlos Loria Borges
  • organicos del tropico
  • leon shlejter
  • Tona Luisa Osher
  • hostel solferino paradise
  • Rogelio y Nievska
  • Elias Escalante
  • Melissa McNell
  • Terresa Beck
  • Kairyn
  • Armando and Anya Loizaga

justine gosset's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
He trabajado en una finca en Costa Rica durante 2 meses.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
He trabajado en una finca en Costa Rica durante 2 meses.

Messages Box (2 messages)

At 7:46pm on February 13, 2012, Carlos Loria Borges said…

Hola justine.

 sorry for the late replay but as you know we don't have electricity on the farm and we can only use internet when we go to town.

any ways.. we will only have space for you after February 29 or March ist. as i told you on the last email, we are complete at this moment. but is you have a tent  you will be welcome any time.

this is a very busy time for Volunteers and we get many request. and we try to welcome every one but its a matter of a place to sleep  with a tent you can come tomorrow.

 please email me back to carlosbolo@yahoo.com

 take care and hope to hear from you soon,


At 10:30pm on February 14, 2012, Tona Luisa Osher said…

Estimada Justine...Te necesitamos ahora. Si estas cerca hablanos al 01 739 395 5019 o email para que  ponemos de acuerdo. Principios de marza tenemos gran fiesta aniversario de 2 dias abierto al publico. Las preparaciones son varias. Luz verde. Donde estas ahora?

Espero que comunicas pronto. Gracias, T.

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