Opportunity at Organic Farm to Train your self deep in permaculture, as a volunteer, or as an enrolled student in our PERMACULTURE DESIGN COURSE. We are looking for long term volunteering, one month minimum, if interested, dwnld application from our website.
PERMACULTURE DESIGN COURSE: Intro course toPermaculture/ Design course in Permaculre/ Intro toBioregionalism/ Intro to Consensus and group facilitation/ Intro to Ecovillages/ Intro to LogicalProfile of a Project/ Basic spanish lessons/ Visitto other projects in the area/ Transportation to andfrom mex city airport. Limited to four people. Students will get involved in farm everyday chores
to practice and learn hands on. Students will learn to make bread, cheese, chocolate, marmalades and wine, recicled paper. Students will have enough free time to visit outside the farm. Yoga practice available daily close to the farm.
Instalations include a two person cabin. Out house, hot shower and comunal dining and living room.
We also have tent space available if cabin is in use. Maximun 4 vounteers. Food is served at a regular schedules, mostly vegetarian, we all buy and share in a food pool, some of it may come from our own garden. We share cooking too.