WWOOF Mexico

Krystal Frost's Comments

Messages Box (173 messages)

At 1:50pm on October 29, 2011, David Meyer said…

Hi Krystal - great news about the site!  Who knows, one day maybe we'll make it back through to check it out.

We'd like to leave a reference, we looked into it at the time and are looking now, but we just don't see how to do it - any thoughts?  Just a comment like this?  But these seem to just be messages, displayed publicly for some weird reason.  Not sure, this website is a bit strange.  If you see a reference section, let us know.



At 8:38pm on October 30, 2011, Lance McCutcheon said…
I will be leaving here (Denver) on November 20th and can be in Puerta Vallarta afternoon of the 21st.  Does that work?  I've got no problem doing whatever you need done.
At 3:09pm on November 1, 2011, Fergus Mulhern said…

Hello Krystal!

My name is Fergus, I am planning a trip to the Pacific coast of Mexico this December and am looking for one organic farming project to focus my time and energy. i have previous experience both on organic farms and commercial orchards, and the majority of my professional experience is in restaurant kitchens.

Please let me know if you are accepting volunteers for December!

I look forward to hearing from you


At 2:50pm on November 5, 2011, Lance McCutcheon said…

Hi Krystal,

 I've been having some trouble contacting you by phone.  Was wondering what type of connection you have (maybe thru skype, vonage, etc?).  Is your phone through the Mexican phone company?  I'll try again tomorrow morning.



PS- Is there another number I can use to get in contact with you other than the 541 number?

At 9:04pm on November 8, 2011, Toni Bruno said…


Podemos trabajar con tigo para Febrero, Marzo y Abril (2011). Estamos muy entusiasmados sobre este proyecto.


Toni y Aaron

At 9:33pm on November 8, 2011, Toni Bruno said…

Thanks for the message. Since I'm traveling with a male friend, and all women project probably wouldn't work. Best of luck though!

At 12:09pm on November 9, 2011, Joe Slyzelia said…

Hola Krystal~

My family (wife and 2 small children) and I would like to explore the possibility of working with you sometime this winter (January-February ?)

Do you have any openings during that time?  And what are your arrangements with WWOOFers (hours of work/lodging/food/etc...)



At 12:39pm on November 9, 2011, Toni Bruno said…

Oh, thank you! Well my friend Aaron and I are planning to be in Mexico for Feb, March, and April of next year, and would love to spend one of those months at your farm! We are both college students from New York taking some time off from school to travel and do some learning outside of the classroom. We speak Spanish well but would like to become fluent. We do not have a lot of experience with farming but we're strong, hard working and ready to learn.


At 12:58pm on November 9, 2011, Joe Slyzelia said…

Hola Krystal~

My family (wife and 2 small children) and I would like to explore the possibility of working with you sometime this winter  (January-February ?)

Do you have any openings during that time?  And what are your arrangements with WWOOFers (hours of work/lodging/food/etc...)



At 1:15pm on November 15, 2011, Lance McCutcheon said…

Well Krystal,

   I've been trying to call you at both numbers you gave me.  Unfortunately each time I call one is always busy and the other rings but the voice-mailbox is not set up.  If there's any other way to get ahold of you for an interview just message me again, but our time window is short as I will be heading into PV this Sunday/Monday.  Hopefully we can get something worked out.


Thank you very much,


At 6:16pm on November 17, 2011, vendela linnea hellström said…


We are a couple of first time WWOOF:ers who are very interested in working at your farm. What you describe is exactly what we are looking for, we want to learn more about sustainable organic living in every practical sense. 

A bit about us:
We met in Barcelona (Spain) where we lived for the past four years, and now we have spent a few months traveling in the United States. We are currently in Sonora, Mexico, and will eventually make it all the way to a farm project in Guatemala. We would love to spend at least a portion of our time in Mexico at your place! Your farm has a lot of activities and projects listed that are exactly what we have been looking for.
Linnea is from Sweden, a vegan chef, 26 years old, grew up on a farm with livestock and greens so is comfortable in the environment but also excited to learn more. Speaks Spanish as well as English and Swedish.
Hjalti is from Iceland, a car mechanic, also educated carpenter and electrician. 32 years old, also quite use to farm work. Speaks English Danish and Icelandic.
We are both beginners when it comes to permaculture, working with alternative energy sources and other new techniques for building, preserving and living better, and that's what we want to change. 
We're both quick learners and quite handy, maybe more importantly very interested in learning more. Apart from all what farm work entails we would also love the opportunity to learn more about the local culture and the natural surroundings. We are both energetic, hard workers and we would happily partake and put our best efforts in any project you might need help with. 

As we are new to this, we're not exactly sure how it works. But we are in Hermosillo now visiting friends, we're going by car and we'd be ready to find your farm and get started right now if you'll have us!

We can also be contacted through vlinneahellstrom@gmail.com or right here on our page.

We're looking forward to hearing from you,
best wishes!

At 7:38pm on November 18, 2011, vendela linnea hellström said…


We are a couple of first time WWOOF:ers who are very interested in working at your farm. What you describe is exactly what we are looking for, we want to learn more about sustainable living in every practical sense. 

A bit about us:
We met in Barcelona (Spain) where we lived for the past four years, and now we have spent a few months traveling in the United States. We are currently in Sonora, Mexico, and will eventually make it all the way to a farm project in Guatemala. We would love to spend at least a portion of our time in Mexico at your place, your farm has a lot of activities and projects listed that are exactly what we have been looking for.
Linnea is from Sweden, a vegan chef, 26 years old, grew up on a farm with livestock and greens so is comfortable in the environment but also excited to learn more. Speaks Spanish as well as English and Swedish.
Hjalti is from Iceland, a car mechanic, also educated carpenter and electrician. 32 years old, also quite use to farm work. Speaks English Danish and Icelandic.
We are both beginners when it comes to permaculture, working with alternative energy sources and other new techniques for building, preserving and living better, and that's what we want to change. 
We're both quick learners and quite handy, maybe more importantly very interested in learning more. Apart from all what farm work entails we would also love the opportunity to learn more about the local culture and the natural surroundings. We are both energetic, hard workers and we would happily partake and put our best efforts in any project you might need help with. 

As we are new to this, we're not exactly sure how it works. But we are in Hermosillo now visiting friends, we're going by car and we'd be ready to find your farm and get started right now if you'll have us!

We can be contacted here of course or by mail vlinneahellstrom@gmail.com or isling42@gmail.com.

We're looking forward to hearing from you,

Linnea & Hjalti.

At 5:12am on November 20, 2011, vendela linnea hellström said…


me and Hjalti would both be very excited to join your farm in January!

We'll happily dedicate at least six weeks of sharing any and all knowledge of our own that's useful to your projects, lots of hard work, and of course we're hoping to learn a lot simultaneously. Hjalti is much intrigued by helping with constructing a dryer for example, and I'd love to put a lot of hours in the kitchen :)


Let's keep in touch, please write us when in January will suit you and/or if there are any other details to discuss.

Thanks, and best wishes!

Linnea & Hjalti.

At 11:51am on November 24, 2011, Carolina Reilly Lopez said…


Como estas?

yo y mi prima vamos a mexico este sabado el 26 de noviembre.  LLegamos a Puerto Vallarta.  Nos gustaria mucho trabajar en su granja lo mas pronto que es posible. 

Tenemos experiencia trabajando en fincas, jardines, espanol, y permacultura.

Gracias por su tiempo y ojala que nos escbriba pronto.

Caro y Kimber

At 3:05pm on November 29, 2011, Eva Wrassky-Bulmer said…


I am very interested in organic agriculture, sustainable archetecture/building and natural medicine. I would love to know more about your farm/what you are doing at the moment/if you need any help?

I am motivated, hard working and easy going. I speak a little spanish but would really like to work more on it!


Eva (New Zealand) ev_bu@hotmail.com

At 11:27pm on December 10, 2011, Eva Wrassky-Bulmer said…

Hola Krystal,

Thank you for your message. I am really sorry it has taken me over a week to reply!

I was just trying to figure out my plans/whereabouts for January. I would really like to find out more about your opening in February if that is still a possibility. If so I can call you sometime this week if that would suit you.



At 11:32am on December 15, 2011, Dana B said…


Just curious if you still have some space available for a wwoofer for the month of January? This sounds very appealing to me :) 



At 12:07am on December 16, 2011, vendela linnea hellström said…

Hello Krystal!

So sorry for the mixup, I was convinced that I wrote you back over two weeks ago, turned out I had sent that mail to a different person!

We have settled down with a project in Chihuahua that really suits us and we're happy with it, so we decided to stay with them.

The project is going to be at least four months, but should our services still be of interest to you afterwards we will definitely contact you to see if you have space for us at this time.

We're very relieved to hear you have a lot of WWOOFers interested so we didn't leave you hanging in need of volunteers, that's great to know!

Hope to talk to you again when we're available once more, and that we'll eventually see you at your farm as well!

We both wish you all the best, and happy holidays!

Linnea & Hjalti.

At 10:19am on December 16, 2011, Krystal Frost said…

Our experimental gardens are located in Puerto Vallarta Jalisco. www.organic-select.com for details.

we have openings for the spring, 6 week stay minimum.

thank you

Krystal Frost


At 10:47am on December 16, 2011, Dana B said…

Hello Krystal,

This opportunity sounds perfect! Where exactly are you located again?? 6 weeks would be great!! :) 

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