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Jklisto's Comments

Messages Box (19 messages)

At 6:42pm on June 19, 2009, Bruno Giesemann said…
Hello Marlene
My name is Bruno Giesemann. I run Finca Argovia, a certified organic , RA, and Bird Friendly farm in Tapachula Chiapas, close to the border with Guatemala, to the Tacana Volcano and the pacific ocean. We run a diversification program, with tropical flowers and foliages, coffee, fruit trees, some spices and tourism.
Our web page is www.argovia.com.mx and or www.cuilcovalley.com.mx
I hope you are interested.
At 10:17am on August 11, 2009, Bruno Giesemann said…
Hola Marlene
Iam happy that you consider us forr your next trip to chiapas, its a great experience!!
Well, for a normal stay, we prefer 2 weeks plus, and as long as you wish, so you get really acquainted with the operation and all teh beautyful surroundings.
Lets keep in touch. Best regards
At 5:21pm on September 3, 2009, Bruno Giesemann said…
Hello dear Marlene
I am very glad that the opportunity opens again for your visit.
We offer you a room which might be for your self or maybe used with another girl student, and in a house which is prepared for that purpose. With the meals, we have two choices, you can have your meals with a family from the plantation or have them in the facility of the restaurant with the rest of the personal, its clean and ok.
So this would be as a service for you without any cost, and in exchange you could help us out with some work either in the field or any other area you feel conftable, and as a little extra I would ask you to teach kids in our school for 1 hour in the afternoon in any subject you feel strong for.
Also you can stay for as long as you wish, no problem, the thing is that it works out both ways OK?
Let me know how we can help you and we will be very happy to see you here very soon.
Best regards
At 7:23pm on September 3, 2009, Bruno Giesemann said…
Perfect Marlene, let me give you mine quickly, its bge@argovia.com.mx
espero tu correo, saludos
At 6:28pm on September 10, 2009, Kippy Nigh said…
Hi Marlene (?) (or is your name Jacqueline? i'm confused)
You are very welcome to come work at our vegetable seed-saving garden. It's very beautiful, and the people are great. You can stay in the back room at the restaurant, very basic, with a cold water shower (!) and enjoy organic meals in our restaurant. What are your plans? kippy
At 6:17pm on November 2, 2009, Hanna Hernandez said…
Por supuesto que si!!! Cuenta conmigo para el resort, me encanta estar en contacto con la gente, mientras no me pidas que mate a un animal o que me lo coma, pideme lo que quieras, jejeje, ya le habia comentado a Bruno que soy vegetariana. Entonces nos vems segurisimo el 14 de Diciembre. Me puedes explicar por favor como llegar? Gracias!!!!
At 10:06pm on November 3, 2009, Solomon Thomspon said…
Hola Jackie...I am going to stay in Oaxaca for a few weeks and take spanish lessons before troubling too many farmers...so I would like to drop down on your doorstep at Finca on November 21st. It is a Sunday which thought would be a good time to arrive. As for the time I will leave I think that 4 weeks sounds good to me. So shall we say till December 21st. I don´t currently have a tent for camping though let me know if I should need one or anything else.
I look forward very much to meeting all of you, as I have heard great things already.
Muchas Gracias,
At 5:37pm on November 10, 2009, Hanna Hernandez said…
Hola, soy otra vez Hanna, ya quedamos que voy a llegar a Agrovia el 14 de diciembre pero...me puedes decir como llegar? Supongo que tengo que tomar un camion a tapachula chiapas, pero ya estando ahi que hago?


At 4:47pm on November 15, 2009, Solomon Thomspon said…
Hola Jackie...So for arriving next weekend is there directions you can give me by taxi or bus that can get me there! Looking forward to it!
At 12:24pm on November 20, 2009, mariana ugarte rocha said…
hi jacquie!!! gracias por confirmar a mi mail!! entonces te vemos seguro alla en agrovia, estamos muy emocionados, si somos 4, tambien podemos ayudar dando tours si se requiere veo que diciembre es un mes muy activo! queria preguntarte si es posible que nos fueramos un poco antes, como el 25 osea ya casi jajaj casi no puedo checar mi mail por que estoy trabajando en veracruz pero ademas de un mail me puedes confirmar con un mensajito a mi celular te late? 998 1581715 besos!!
At 12:34pm on November 20, 2009, mariana ugarte rocha said…
nooooooo me equivoque somos 5!! 3 adultos y 2 niños... sorry
At 3:04pm on November 21, 2009, Solomon Thomspon said…
Gracias Jacquie!! I am on my way. Aproximente tiempo a llegar es 1 a la tarde.

Hasta manana!
At 10:00pm on November 21, 2009, Solomon Thomspon said…
Missed my bus...will be there on Monday morning or early afternoon
sorry for the confusion.
Solomon : )
At 3:39pm on November 23, 2009, Julia Heinrich said…
hi, I'm sorry for not writing sooner! thanks for you invitation, but I've already found a farm to work for in december. maybe another time!
take care
At 3:07pm on November 26, 2009, Hanna Hernandez said…
Hay!!! que bueno que me contestaste, ya estaba preocupada porque no sabia nada de ustedes.

Perfecto, entonces asi le hago.

No llevaré a mis dos hijos peludos, me da cosa porque no se si hay perros y todo eso y afortunadamente sí encontre quien me los cuidara.

Nos vemos pronto.

Un Abrazo
At 3:20pm on November 28, 2009, mariana ugarte rocha said…
hola!!! salimos mañana temprano creo que llegaremos el lunes !! besos!!
At 4:26pm on November 30, 2009, Solomon Thomspon said…
Hola Jackie!
Here is the free wwoof int site...it is really long! but there are some good explanations for all of the different farms and what they more or less expect from you....happy wwoofing in the future. I bet my ass that you can find a place where you can share all the gifts you have and get much back in return.
Gracias por todo mas!

At 10:18am on January 13, 2010, Pete Ritchie said…
things are way chill now that all the coffee pickers have left. its tranquil all the worker left after chrismas and theres just a few people in the beneficio and working with plants. ive been tryin to make this distill thing work for makin essential oil but ive had to fix it three times cause this problem or that but im about to test it today. all the fruits in the finca are starting to ripen which is nice cause i get to try some new stuff or more of the same but the more food the marry. theres no more going to kitchen that stuff got all resolved about when sol and jessica left. its all lope or wendy which is fine with me cause they cook way better than the kitchen ever did. i didnt really do anything for the holidays just participated in whatever thing traditional stuff they were doing on the farm. well take it easyor as easy as you can in a big city.bye
At 9:49am on March 4, 2010, mariana ugarte rocha said…
donde andas jakie ???????? que haces ?????? hay un proyecto padre checalo en facebook azarugarte@hotmail.com

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