WWOOF Mexico

Bernardo Garcia's Comments

Messages Box (18 messages)

At 11:25am on October 3, 2011, Jane Sullivan said…
Dear Bernardo, my friend and I are planning on coming to Mexico and are looking for an opportunity to WOOF and learn about sustainable living and farming.

We are both from Australia and are two hard-working 30 year olds. We have our own car which we live and sleep in and so would be reasonably hassle-free to stay.

We can arrive at your farm by Tuesday, October 11 and would be happy to work with you for a week if that is suitable for you.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

At 3:21pm on October 20, 2011, Dylan Wales said…

Hello! I will be around Monterrey for the month of January and I'm wondering if you'll be be taking on wwoofers mid January?



At 3:23pm on November 30, 2011, Rachael R said…

¡Hola Bernardo!

Mi nombre es Rachael, tengo 22 años y trabajo en el sector de organizaciones sin fines de lucro en Nueva York. Me encantaría venir a WWOOF en su granja y contribuir en General Cepeda. A pesar de que no tengo ninguna experiencia en agricultura orgánica, aprendo rápido, trabajo duro y soy flexible. También he pasado varios meses como voluntaria con niños en Perú, Costa Rica y Argentina. Estoy muy interesada en conocer mas sobre la agricultura ecológica y Mexico - me encantaría ayudar en su granja en enero (un mes).

Espero escuchar pronto de usted,


At 12:36pm on December 1, 2011, Bernardo Garcia said…

Hi Rachel,


Nos gustaria mucho recibirte: Por favor para mas y mejor comunicacion escribenos a palchuzo@gmail.com.



At 12:11pm on April 26, 2012, Andrea Serra said…

Hi! My name is Andrea and I’m a 21 year old student from California. I have been studying Spanish and I’m planning on WWOOFing in Mexico this summer. I am looking to stay at a farm for 3 weeks to a month. I would love to stay at your farm if you have room for me during June-July. I will arrive in Mexico city the first week of June. I have very little experience in organic farming but I’m very eager to learn. I’m a very hard worker, in good shape and speak basic Spanish. My email address is jposg@yahoo.com. Please get back to me and let me know. Thanks!

Hola! Mi nombre es Andrea y soy un chica con 21 añios de California. Yo soy esudiando Español en colegio y planio visitar en Mexico por este verano para ser WWOOFing. Yo quiero quedar en un granja por 3 semanas o por un mes. Yo me gustaría mucho quedar en tu granja si tu tienes espacio per mi. Llegare a Ciudad de Mexico en primera semana de Junio. Yo tengo muy poco experiencia en organico granja pero soy muy entusiasmada per aprender y soy muy fuerte trabajadora. Tengo buen condición física y yo hablo Español básico. Mi dirección de email es jposg@yahoo.com. Por favor escríbeme de vuelta y diceme si puedo ir a tu granja. Gracias!

At 12:23am on July 12, 2012, Sunny Howard said…

I hope this message finds you well Bernardo!

I have been looking into wwoofing for some time now and have decided that Mexico is where we would like to do so. Myself, my boyfriend Alex, and our mute 5lb lap dog are interested in wwoofing in Mexico for several months. We don't have any solid plans after we arrive in Mexico, so we are flexible. We work hard, love hard, and are excited to learn, teach, and grow with an organic farm. Our spanish is not the best, but we're excited to work on this. We are in our mid 20s and currently professional cyclists in Washington, DC. We fell in love with organic farming and earth skills a couple years ago when we went to our first earth skill gathering. Here we learned about humanure, fermentation, a bit of animal husbandry, and I harvested my first rooster that a local farmer donated for dinner. I am vegetarian but my boyfriend enjoys organic meat. We spend so much money on organic food because we know its worth it, but growing and tending to our own would be ideal. We've practices building cobb shelters, mud stoves, mycology, and blacksmithing, and a few other things. We are both quick learners and hard workers that enjoy bringing beauty and sustainability to our environment. We embrace simple living and are minimalists. We are looking for a farm that would be happy for us to grow with them if it is suitable. We plan on leaving Washington, Dc in mid October to head to Mexico. We know that we have no other plans from there and are open to the beautiful possibilities that may await us. We'd love to chat over the phone or through e-mail and are happy to answer any questions that you may have for us.

Please let us know if you could use the help!


Sunny & Alex

At 9:02pm on July 16, 2012, Michael Sloan said…


My name is Sloan and I would love to have the opportunity to WWOOF at your farm. I am 24 years old and have become fascinated with learning about organic and sustainable living. I don't have any farming experience. But, I have spent several months in Honduras doing adobe house construction and teaching English. I am hard working, eager to absorb as much information as I can, and a quick learner. I have intermediate Spanish skills and hope to further develop them. I hope to be in Mexico by late August and would love to spend a few months at your farm. Please let me know if you could use the help or have any other questions for me, I know my profile is a little thin. 

Many thanks!

At 12:50pm on August 7, 2012, Bernardo Garcia said…

Hi Michael,

We do need alot of help. please if you are interested have a look to our not updated blog and keep in touch with our personal adress: palchuzop@gmail.com


At 12:40pm on October 9, 2012, Kate L Tarlecki said…

Are you taking wwoofers in November? I have very little experience, I have been working as a chef/ cook for more than 10 years. I want to learn this side of things and do more to educate others and impact the environment. Thank you, Kate

At 3:54pm on January 8, 2013, Antje Wittmann said…


soy antje de Alemania! en esto momento estoy en monterrey y voy viajar dirección sur en unos días. mi proyecto para esto parte de mi viaje es aprender sobre agricultura sostenible para implementarlo en una comunidad que quiero crear con unos amigos algún día (todavía no hay planes concretos, pero por eso tengo que aprender :). seria posible que paso por la granja para visitar y ver su proyecto y si tienen espacio para quedarme en esto momento también para trabajar con ustedes? 

mi correo es antjewittmann@gmx.de . me gustaría mucho escuchar de ustedes!

luz y energía!


At 5:08pm on February 8, 2013, Kevin Gustafson said…


Apologies for the short notice, but I am looking for a farm to volunteer on in about a week's time.  I have been studying Spanish in Antigua, Guatemala for two weeks and will be doing another week in Coban.  I could be on your farm by the 17th and stay for about a week before I need to fly back to Canada to begin my season of treeplanting.  I am a planter of six years and have experience picking fruit in Canada and Australia.  I also have done vineyard repair/maintenance in Australia and contruction in Canada.  I would love to come visit and contribute to your farm and learn what there is to be learned. 



At 7:19pm on April 6, 2013, dafan said…


we are a french couple traveling around the world for 8 months.

Your project sounds really great and we would like to join you around the 22th of april for one week if you need some help.

We only have one experience of wwoofing in thailand, but we would enjoy to learn and share with you! So maybe see you in a few weeks.

Podemos hablar un poquito español!

Fanny and David

At 12:55pm on February 18, 2014, alexis cote potvin said…

hola! quetal wow,ca parece realmente agradable !soy alexis un frances de canada . mes gustaria venir de voluntario en su granja para trabajar con ustedes y tener nueva experiensa
ya conosco el agricultura ,es me travallo,
yo puedo llegar en fin de febrero todo mars diga me lo que le parece .
mucho gracias

At 10:04am on April 26, 2014, manuel sanz said…

hola muy buenos dias, me gustaria ser parte de sus trabajos. estoy muy interezado en contribuir con uds. en cambio de aprender algo. me describo trabajador, de echarle muchas ganas esto para mi de la agricultura organica es un gran meta que quiero lograr. me facinan los trabajos del campo, cuando estoy con la naturaleza me conecto facilmente! tengo algo de experiencia con unas frutas y flores hasta con animales como los pollos. estuve trabajando 5 años en el campo sembrando granadillas y duraznos, haciendo ingertos, regarlos, podarlos, ralearlos. pues hacer los trabajos con el durazno para mi fue un arte. pero me intereza mas de la agricultura organica, y estoy dispuesto a trabajar el tiempo con uds. disponible en cuanto me acepten! espero que les pueda servir algo con lo que se.

At 7:46pm on June 24, 2014, Dylan Maysick said…


I am a New York City-based  public school teacher who is hoping to spend the summer traveling in Latin America and farming. I have some experience working in community gardens, growing vegetables and herbs at home, and have also volunteered on a rooftop farm in Brooklyn. I am interested in learning more about permaculture and sustainable living practices in hopes of integrating that knowledge into my urban life as much as I'm able, while also sharing that information and philosophy with my students. Also, I studied Spanish in college and currently work in a community that is primarily Spanish-speaking ,so I am used to using both languages. I will be available from around the 28th of July through the 13th of August and would appreciate the opportunity to work with you and learn from you. Also, I will be traveling with my girlfriend who has a similar set of experiences with gardens and is a native Spanish speaker. Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!
At 11:30pm on September 23, 2014, Oliver Jason Terry said…

Hi Bernardo:

I am looking at WWOOFing in Mexico this winter for a few months. I am already WWOOFing at a farm in Sinaloa until mid-November, but would be possibly interested in WWOOFing with you after that.

I have WWOOFed in Mexico before; I have experience gardening, farming and like animals. I am also a mechanical engineering technologist and familiar with many mechanical systems and construction. I am a hard worker and love learning and new experiences.

If you are interested in having me as a WWOOFer, please email me at oliverjterry@gmail.com.



At 2:54pm on October 24, 2014, Boris OSIOWSKI said…

My name is Boris. Icome from french. In this time i am in mexico.

I like travel and i think that the best trip is with the local. That is why i will come in your farm. I am one week into mexico and i like speack with people. I speack in spanish but i don t no write this langage. That is why i write in english.

I ve worked in some farm with wwoof in canada. I work with sheep and vegetable. The last year I stay seven month in this sheep pen. I was in charge of roots of the lambs. I work to in the vegetable garden. In another farm i built a green house and extension at home. In other job i built house in wood and stone. En Francia soy trabajando social con gentes minusvalidos.

Ilike nature and go for a walk. I like work and the simple life.

I like live with many people. I have some joy of life. I would be happy to meet you, work in your farm and speak spanish.

I am available now and for two or three week.

In french i will live in my farm. That is why i work in different farm. I can see different organisation and choice that i prefer.

see you later !

At 2:56pm on December 4, 2014, Clifton Albrecht said…
Hello, I am interested in learning more about agriculture and ecology in a hotter and drier area than my native central Texas

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