WWOOF Mexico

Rancho "El Sagrado"'s Comments

Messages Box (196 messages)

At 8:54pm on August 4, 2012, Marc-Antoine Paing said…

Hola, Estoy un estdiante frances de 21 años. A mi me gusta mucho la naturaleza el deporte y particulamente hacerlo en la naturaleza.

He visitado Monte Alban y las otras plazas de Oaxaca y me gustaba mucho. Me encenaria trabajar en este lugar.

Estoy viajando en america central y me gustaria trabajar como 3 semanas o un mes en un farm. Su projecte me parece muy interesante. ¿Pienses que es posible de trabajar con vosotros desde el 16 de agosto?

Gracias por su repuesta. marcantoine.paing@gmail.com

At 6:22am on August 11, 2012, danny kociuch said…

hola,your farm sounds great id like to come and help,and would like to stay 3months if possible?i like what your doing and think thats a great thing,ive done some garden work,just finished one year at college doing buliding services,i have great interest in mexico history and its peolpes there and would like the opputrity to meet the locals,and learn spanish as im learning it here but not the same as being surrounded hearing the words and speaking it,thanks for your time hope to hear from you soon,danny

email rocktrooper@hotmail.co.uk

At 11:52pm on August 11, 2012, Kevin and Jasmine Bowman said…

We are a married couple who are seeking work study/internship on a farm in Mexico. Kevin is 44 and has extensive experience in the auto damage industry. He is very handy and can repair/improve most anything, from cars and motorcyles to home repair/landscaping and beyond. Jasmine is 35 and has been a yoga teacher for 10 years. We are both physically fit and are willing and able to work hard and learn quickly. We have a rescue dog named Gracie who is our only 'child'. Learning how to grow food and live sustainably is our goal. We are currently working and living on an organic farm in Arizona through September, are learning a lot here, and would like to head to Mexico in October. Please let us know if working on your farm is a possibility, and if it would be possible for a married couple to have more private accomodations. Gracias!

Sincerely, Kevin & Jasmine Bowman


At 7:18am on August 15, 2012, danny kociuch said…

I'm wondering if you have any volunteer space anytime as soon the better for me?but up to your timetable? My travel plans are flexible! I've been gardening/farming for the last few years but would love to learn more permculture techniques and natural building in particular,

im learning spanish and want to learn more,thanks

danny .me email is rocktrooper@hotmail.co.uk

At 1:50pm on August 20, 2012, Cristina Delgado Mejias said…

Buenos dias, aqui estamos dos viajadores medio europeos con muchas ganas de aprender, abiertos a todo y con todos los sentidos bien despiertos a cualquier cosa que aparezca en el aprendizaje. Fisioterapeuta española y vinicolo frances , bajamos poco a poco desde california e intentamos llegar a argentina en algun momento. Nos encontramos en guadalajara y bajamos por la costa oeste tranquilamente. Mantenos informados si deseas intercambiar energia y trabajo ,por conocimiento . Un abrazo amigo, take care:)

At 4:03pm on September 3, 2012, Samuel Packer said…


Firstly I'm sorry to see the devastaing impact of hurricane Carlotta on your farm.

I am Sam from London and am travelling to Mexico with my girlfriend Danielle, we are 25 and 26.

We are travelling to Mexico for a 6 month trip. We wish to be involved in Mexican culture, people, food and find out about the way of life.

I have experience working with biodynamic farming in India, and organic farming projects in London and wish to develop my knowledge of permaculture techniques. Danielle is a good Spanish speaker who has studied the politics of Latin America and is keen to find out more about Mexico.

We are both vegetarian, and I work in the kitchen of a busy London cafe, so we love food and growing! (and would love to know more about coffee production too) we are both fit healthy and prepared for a long investment into an interesting project.

Hasta luego


At 10:52am on September 4, 2012, William Wilkinson said…

Buenos Dias!

Me llamo Guillermo. Soy estudiante de la salud publica en California, y planeo trabajar en una granja en oaxaca durante los mes de octubre y noviembre (nuevo o diez semanas). Hablo frances y un poco de espanol, pero quiero bien aprenderlo.

I hope to learn more about sustainable agriculture and permaculture in order to gain further insight into how to foster healthier lifestyle choices here in the US. I am a very hard worker with experience in house construction, painting, roofing/shingling, and some gardening. I am a fast learner and willing to take on any task.

Gracias por su respuesta!

Guillermo Wilkinson

At 9:10pm on September 20, 2012, Channa Carlestam said…

Hola! Me llamo Channa y soy de Suecia donde estudio Filología española. Estoy viajando en su país por tres meses para mejorar mi español y para conocer a la cultura mexicana al mismo vez. Y como la agricultura es un gran parte de Mexico pensaba que trabajar en una granja orgánica sería una buena manera de conocer al país. No tengo mucho experiencia de agricultura pero estoy curiosa para aprender y como he trabajado todo este verano como almacenista soy fuerte y acostumbrado a trabajar con mi cuerpo. Ahora estoy en Ciudad de Mexico pero quiero salir por el campo pronto. Si hay una oportunidad o espacio para quedarse y trabajar en su granja, por favor diguenme. Gracias de antemano. /Channa

At 5:25am on September 27, 2012, Lorenzo paganelli said…

hola mi nombre es lorenzo. sto que hacerun viaje a america cenrale.nei meses dediciembre y enero voy a estar en oaxaca. soy un buen trabajador,molto responsable y que ya han tenido experiencia en jardinerìa. y me encanteria si se puede trajar con otros   gracias por su repuesta!                                     email : lpaganelli@ymail.com

At 9:58pm on September 27, 2012, Katrin Bellabean said…


me llama Katrin, soy de Nueva Zelandia :) Realmente quiero venir y wwoof en su lugar...pronto!!

Me ha tomado un tiempo para conectarse a este sitio, y averiguar cómo funciona todo!?  (firstly, my membership was delayed due to complications and then I thought we had to be 'contacts' also, in order for me to write to you!!)

Normalmente intento escribir con un montón de antelación/tiempo pero, no tengo mucho tiempo ahora en Oaxaca. Me encantaría conocer más sobre cultivo de café y muchas otras cosas que están haciendo, si usted tiene cualquier espacio para mí :)

Estoy interesado en una o dos semanas en Octobre, y possiblimente volviendo dependiendo de cómo van las cosas. En noviembre, necessito voy a Guatemala.

I look forward to hearing from you so I can make some plans!

mi email es- teaorangimarie@gmail.com.

It has been so long since I have been a farming/growing environment and I really miss it!! I have filled in my profile some with information about me and my experience but i don't get that much time online while traveling so please ask any questions you may have.




At 10:02pm on September 27, 2012, Katrin Bellabean said…

oh yeah, i meant to add- me gustaría mucho para ayudarle con la rehabilitación de su propiedad. Me gusta mucho este tipo de proyecto!! :)

At 3:01pm on September 30, 2012, Katrin Bellabean said…

I REALLY hope to hear from you!!! I have been having a lot of difficulty getting anywhere with this wwoofMexico network and I have very little time left in the country. I want to get to a farm and my body and mind are feeling a strong desire/need to do some physical work! :)

please, I would hugely appreciate if you could email me, whether you can host right now or not, to let me know if you received this message. my address is- teaorangimarie@gmail.com.

Because I paid my fees and joined 2 months ago and so far have not managed to communicate with any farms :( or if you have any tips about how best to find a farm to visit in Oaxaca and Chiapas, I'd love that too. Maybe there are central boards I can post on that I don't know about....

muchas gracias

At 11:49am on October 2, 2012, Katrin Bellabean said…

Buenas dias,

Estoy teniendo muchos problemas para conectarse a cualquier usuario de este sitio Web!

No sè pero, me gustarìa mucho a visitar su Rancho para tiempo wwoofing :)

Estoy ir de camping por unos días y luego viajar a Oaxaca...realmente espere tener noticias de usted-



Katrin, de Nueva Zelandia

At 2:17pm on October 2, 2012, Alberto Martinez said…


I'm Alberto and live in Merida Yucatan. I will be going through Oaxaca in the next months cycling along the coast. I am absolutley in love with the Oaxaca and would be super excited to help out there on the farm. I am currently in charge of a retail store in the centro of the city. I have an open schedule based upon the farms that need a hand. I am a athlete who is easy to manage with a great attitude! So, let me know.


At 10:57am on October 5, 2012, Johanna Pichler said…

my sister and I are from Italy (32 and 26 years old) and we’ll come for the first time to Mexiko.
We’ll stay there from the end of october until the end of decembre and we would like to work on a farm for a few weeks.
We already worked in agriculture and we generally love working in nature. We would like to make different experiences, see the beautiful Mexiko and meet new people.

We speak german, italian, english and have notion in spanish but we would like to improve.

Please send us more information about the farm and the work.
Thank you for response.


At 6:19pm on October 7, 2012, noble kevin said…


Somos dos franceses, viajamos en toda sur america de wwoofing para compartir y participar en proyectos de buena onda.
hemos visto su proyecto bonito y que ha pasado con carlota, nos gustaria mucho ayudar vos.
                                                                  muchas gracias y hasta pronto esperamos.
                                                                                                                                                                                Kevin y Elodie
At 10:38pm on October 8, 2012, Maya & Niklas said…

We are a 19 and 18 year old couple from Berlin in Germany. Actually we are on a journey from Alaska to Panama, which takes us for about 8 month down the west coast of America. At the moment we are still in the US where we travelled and worked on a farms, which was really fun to us. We will leave the US on 12th of November and then take the Greyhound Bus to Mexico City. So we could directly come to your farm about the 15th of november.. We thought about a stay of 6 weeks, so would this work to you? We wwoofed in Alaska and Oregon as well,so we have some experience in farming. We are openmindet and willing to work and learn. We think wwoofing is one of the best ways to get to know the different livestyles and cultures and we want to stay with locals and learn spanish, because yet we don't speak it at all, we would love to stay and work at your farm.

We are looking forward to your answer, best wishes! Our mailadress is cvobiene@web.de
Niklas and Maya
At 9:14am on October 10, 2012, Vincent Foulquier said…

Mail : foulquier.vincent@gmail.com


My name is Vincent. I have graduated in a Management high school in France and in december I will be 25 years old. My studies are over and I want to see new countries, meet new people, and experience new things. I don’t have special skills in this industry, but I’m ready to learn. I would love to work and help out a farm, at the same time getting some direct insight of how to take care for the earth. I am athletic. I work hard and I keep an open mind. I can speak english. I had just a little bit spanish courses in school but would really love to learn more and i’m working on it. I'm really motivated.

I'm looking for a farm for 20 days between - April 10th and April 30th

If I were to help at your farm what would I need to bring and what would I be asked to do exactly?

I look forward to hearing from you,

Vincent Foulquier

Mail : foulquier.vincent@gmail.com

At 10:17am on October 23, 2012, Narahari said…


Me and my girlfriend are now in Huatulco, Oaxaca and stay here for a while. Then on 15:th of November we would like to come to your farm for about 3 weeks. She is from Mexico, I was born in Finland. I speak a little bit of Spanish. What do we need to know about your farm? How is the weather there now?

Saludos :)


Yo y mi novia se encuentran ahora en Huatulco, Oaxaca y permanecer aquí por un tiempo. Luego, el 15 de Noviembre nos gustaría ir a su finca durante aproximadamente 3 semanas. Ella es de México, y yo nació en Finlandia. Hablo un poco de español. ¿Qué necesitamos saber acerca de su finca? ¿Cómo está el clima allí ahora?

Saludos :)

At 2:47pm on October 23, 2012, Daniel David Harry Cluett said…


?Como estais? Me llamo Dan, soy un carpentero de Inglaterra. Pienso venir a Mexico en el pricipio parte de el ano viene.  Quiero pasar unos meses en Mexico y trabajar por un mes o mas en unos granjas.  Hablo un poco Espanol, pase cuatro meses en Espana el ano pasado, y quiero praticar mas.  Tu granja me parece muy bien  y quiero saber mas. 

Soy un hombre del campo y tengo experiencia con plantas y animales.  No he trabajado en una granja organico. Particularmente me parece interesante construccion ecologico.  Me perdonas, no tengo accentos con mi ordenador y se que escribo un poco raro en Espanol, falta praticar.  Mi direcion electronico es d.d.h.cluett@hotmail.co.uk  

I hope you can understand what I've written, I know my Spanish isn't great. If you think I might be suited to your farm and if you'd like to know more about me then please send me an email. 

Un fuerte abrazo,


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