WWOOF Mexico

Levi Rios's Comments

Messages Box (154 messages)

At 7:23pm on August 12, 2010, Dawn Rebecca Taylor said…
Saludos desde escocia!
My name is Dawn and I'm from Glasgow, Scotland, aged 22. I'll be visiting Guadalajara area for the whole of October and would love to spend some time with you offering my labour and getting involved with the work that you do. I am a keen environmentalist and have spent several summers working on a farm in Carlisle, England. I have lots still to learn but am enthusiastic and hard-working. I feel very strongly about environmental issues and hope that I can implement everything that I learn from you upon my return home. I love to be near the earth and would relish the chance to work with others that share this passion. I am easy to work with and love meeting new people. Hoping to work for 2-3 weeks in mid-october as required.

Your farm looks beautiful! I love the idea of working at grass roots level with crops and vegetables as I am a keen vegetarian chef. I am mostly interested in manual work and am no stranger to physical labour as I have worked as a theatre technician for the last three years. I believe in bringing a positive attitude to my work!

English is my first language, and speak intermediate level of Spanish and moderate French. I also speak sign language and so am an effective communicator without words!

I hope to hear from you soon,
At 9:56pm on September 16, 2010, Kelly DUQUEINE said…
Hola Levi! Como estas?

Sorry our spanish is not very good but we will improve quickly, we're sure! We are two french travelers,(one girl and one boy) going from Canada to Argentina! We are in San Diego (California) at the moment. We will be in your area around mid-october and it will be great to come at your place to help you for a week or two (depending of your needs). We don't have a lot of experience in organic farming but we are hard workers, very energetic and willing to learn. Please let us know if this could work out for you and if it's ok, which date would be better for us to show up.

Best Regards

Kelly and Christophe
At 4:54pm on September 28, 2010, Danielle Hughes said…

Me llama Danielle y estoy muy interesada en la comunidad Teopantli Kalpulli. Ahorita estoy viviendo en Guadalajara, pero soy de San Francisco. Alla estaba trabajando en unos huertos escolares y huertos urbanos, y tambien empece un huerto escolar en una esceula en NIcaragua este verano pasado. Me encantaria trabajar con Uds. en cualquier manera que puedo. Si Uds. gustan, puedo venir por el lugar a hablar con uds. Muchas gracias y espero su repuesta!
At 11:08am on September 30, 2010, julie guery said…
Ya pregunta a trabajar en su granja pero
Mi solicitud es tarde, pero sigue a un ausencia de respuestas.
Me habría venido a partir del próximo miércoles por 3 semanas o 1 mes. Mi nombre es Julie, tengo 25 y me tomó unos meses sabáticos para madurar un proyecto, que de tener una granja de vegetales. Por lo tanto, busco un lugar donde podía cultivar frutas y verduras sin productos químicos y desarollar mi conocimiento de la permacultura. También propongo la idea por mi futuro granja, de dar corsos de cocina para enseñar a la gente para cocinar de manera facil y comen saludable con productos de la tierra.
Acabo de trabajar 15 días en una granja en Veracruz. Soy una persona dinámica, motivados, de buen humor. Yo hablo español y entiendo lo que dicen.
Gracias por aceptarme en su granja y ayudarme a hacer mi proyecto
Si no me reciben antes del miércoles, que puede empujar a mi llegada
At 1:31pm on October 14, 2010, Petit said…

We are two french girls (22 years old and 20 years old) who finished their studies. Pauline know how to speak spanish fluently, i know how to speak english and i would like to learn spanish.
We would like to go in a Farm in mexico around in december.
We read your page, and we are interested to work with you.
Are you interested to work and share this aventure with us?
thank you
At 1:07pm on October 18, 2010, Adah Frase said…
LEVI!!!!!!!!!! Como estas? Estoy en carolina del norte.
Adah Frase
30 Bartlett St
Asheville, NC 28801-4305

Que haces? Estas en kalpuli? Como es el huerto? Fui a neuvo mexico para dos mesas. Tenia trabajo en un huerto y se fue bien. Ahora no se que quiero hacer!
Como es tu mama y ananda, y abraham?
mi email es aefrase@yahoo.com
At 2:47pm on November 21, 2010, Jasmine Magana said…
Hello Levi,
My name is Jasmine and I am interested in coming and staying at your farm. I would like to come in the middle of January if you had available space for 2-3 months. I do not have any wwoofing experience but am an eager, quick learner. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
At 10:43pm on November 27, 2010, Ted White said…

Quisiera saber si ustedes necesitan ayuda en su granja en enero. Estaré en Guadalajara a partir del año neuvo y me voy a quedar un buen rato (3 o 4 meses). Si tienen lugar por favor pónganse en contacto conmigo: ted@crowpoint.com

Gracias, saludos
At 12:47am on December 5, 2010, ali wellington said…
MY name is ali and i am looking to expand my knowledge in agriculture. I will be looking to work in January and can stay for about a month. I have a deep passion for sustainable living and am willing to work very had to assure efficiency while I learn. I would love to see your land, it seems wonderful. please contact me so we can talk more. arosewellington@gmail.com
At 9:01am on December 7, 2010, Stephanie said…

I hope this message finds you well! I am writing to you from Boulder, Colorado. Here in Boulder I work in the schools primary with at-risk and special ed youth. During the summer I worked for a local organic farm and their farm-to-table catering company. For many years now I have been learning new skills for sustainable living including permaculture design, food preservation, growing organic gardens and hunting and curing meats. I also have an interest in nutrition and teaching others skills in both nutrition and sustainable living. Your farm sounds like a great place to continue to explore many of my interests. I am able to help at your farm for 2-3 weeks, since our school district has a short holiday vacation. I am planning to travel from December 24 through January 7 (possibly as long as through the 15th). Please let me know if you would like my help during this time. You can email me at sloveless18@gmail.com.

I look forward to hearing from you!
At 9:42pm on December 22, 2010, August and Sage said…


     ¿Necesita su finca dos voluntarios de WWOOF en febrero, marzo, o abril? Tenemos veinte y pocos años, y somos de Oregon, EEUU. Tenemos interés en trabajar en su finca. Nos
interesan especialmente en aprender acerca de la labranza y en participar en
las prácticas sostenibles de la permacultura.

     August ha enseñado niños en programas de educación medioambiental, entiende español, y le gusta cocinar comida vegana. Sage ha trabajado en varias
fincas pequeñas y orgánicas. Sabe los conceptos de la permacultura y de la
labranza natural, y está familiarizado con las prácticas sostenibles de la
construcción. Esperamos tener
noticias suyas.


August y Sage


At 11:19am on December 24, 2010, Wesley Colin Szehner said…
I am in mexico right now and am looking for work during late january and early february.  Do you have any work for me during that time?
At 10:01pm on December 29, 2010, Gregg Brazel said…


I’ve been studying and practicing organic agriculture for three years, experimenting with an urban garden in Chicago and wwoofing at two small farms in Michigan.  I am also
skilled in sustainable design & construction, with 20+ years of
experience in engineering, architecture, design and planning.  In
addition to concerns about health, ecology, and the food chain, my love
of cooking inspires me to cultivate fresh veggies, herbs and berries
near my kitchen, to share with all.

My highest skills are in design+build. . . shelters, garden structures, furniture.  So if you need affordable housing or a solar shower for wwoofers, a passive solar
addition, chicken tractor… I am especially interested in helping in this
regard.  I’ve owned and run a small design/build company for 15 years
and have strong business skills… web and graphic design, databases,
marketing, cost estimating, project management.  I gladly offer help in
these areas if it would be useful for your farm.  Please see my website
at www.ehrlum.com for more information and samples of my work.

I would also love to work with animals, especially horses.  I have little experience with these awesome creatures, but would love to learn more
about their way of being.

I plan to depart for Mexico or Central America in January or February; I look forward to hearing from you.



At 4:45pm on January 4, 2011, Johanna Herzog said…

Dear Levi,  i would like to know if you might need somebody from now on, i am traveling through mexico for some month,  arrived 2 days ago in df, where i still am.i came to mexico with a great love for the country and indigenous cultures, all the amazing plant knowledge and ways people preserved (not always, i know)the pre hispanic cultures.i simply love mexico and i would love to meet different communities and learn more about agriculture, permaculture or tradional.i worked as a herbalist and taught medicine plant knowledge and have a good sense for plants,but never worked on the land inlatin america, only some times in europe.i am 44 years old, could bring sleeping bag and mat but no tent.i would love to hear from you, thanks for spending your time.here is my e mail adress:kraeuterkurse@yahoo.de

best wishes and kind regards, johanna

At 3:44pm on January 11, 2011, Gregg Brazel said…
hello levi, sorry for the delay.  your email got buried and i lost track. 
so, what do you need done at your farm... how can i help?

also, i do not speak much spanish, but i do want to learn more.

look forward to hearing what you have going on.

At 8:06pm on January 14, 2011, Lydia Jessup said…

Hola Levi,

My name is Lydia and I am a 19 year old college student.  I am interested in working on your farm from early May until the middle of June.  I am still studying Spanish, but have a basic proficiency.  I do not have experience working on a farm, but I am a hard worker and have some experience with manual labor and am very excited to learn.  I love meeting new people and like the idea of getting involved in the community.

I look forward to hearing from you!


At 1:35am on January 17, 2011, Maria Fernanda Ramirez said…
Esa pagina me encantó, vi que hasta ellos y yo tenemos amigos en comun, espero podermelos encontrar en el camino. Por ahora planeo ir para wiricuta a ver que se puede hacer! Me encantaria ir a tu comunidad antes de partir y documentar el lugar, el pueblo y las familias unidas que trabajan por una vida sustentable, eso me encanto y creo que puede ser de buen ejemplo para lo que quiero transmitir, porque todos juntos podemos mas =) Si es que me pueden recibir somos una amiga y yo y sería a finales de este mes y  por un par de dias, estamos en contacto entonces, mil gracias!
At 11:37pm on February 17, 2011, Sharon Ong said…

Hola Levi!

I am Sharon from the United States, and I hope to volunteer at your farm for one week (March 17th - 25th). I speak un poco espanol, and I really really want to get my hands dirty this spring before school starts again. I know it's a very short time, but I promise to be a creative, hard and enthusiastic worker with a penchant for learning from nature and from people. You have a huge farm by the way :-) If I sound like a good fit, please do let me know!





At 12:09pm on February 24, 2011, Helene Tisserand said…
Somos una pareja francesa, Helene (27 años) y Nicolas (33 años). Ambos hablamos bien castellano, fuimos a estudiar en España.
Ya hizimos Wwoof en Francia, en una finca Biodynamica, tambien en una finca-restaurant y hizimos muchas otras pequeñas cosas.
Hacemos Wwoof en Sur America desde el mes de noviembre, en Mendoza y en el Bolson para Argentina y en Tarija en Bolivia.
Sabemos hacer un poco de todo: trabajar en huerta, construir casas, elaborar alimentos, cocinar, pero tenemos sobre todo ganas de aprender y compartir.
Vamos subiendo hacia Mexico, estaremos aca en el mes de junio y nos gustaria quedar como dos semanas por lo menos.
esperamos tu respuesta
hasta luego
Helene y Nicolas
At 2:37pm on March 7, 2011, Norman Martinelli said…

Soy un miembro de WWOOF, me llamo Norman y quisiera empezar este tipo de experiencia novedosa. Lo que más me interesa es la permacultura, la construcción natural, los animales y conocer a mucha gente. Tengo 31 años y cero experiencia pero mucho entusiasmo y ganas de aprender. Quisiera viajar en julio y dedicarme a esto por un tiempo largo de manera más o menos itinerante. Ustedes tendrían disponibilidad? Necesitan apoyo?

Muchas gracias,



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