WWOOF Mexico

Melissa McNell's Comments

Messages Box (200 messages)

At 11:50am on August 17, 2009, Pete Ritchie said…
looking for work while i learn spanish. im traveling on a motorcycle and willing to commit a good amount of time and effort to make your place better. was thinking of a 3-6 commitment but whatever your willing to accomadate. will be in area form oct/nov.
At 8:48pm on August 24, 2009, ralf said…
Hey Melissa,
y changed my plan , so i m not gonna come
by any more .
thanx a lot for giving me the oportunity to come
to the ranch !
suerte y que los vallan mui bien con el rancho !
At 3:55pm on October 22, 2009, Bea Maes said…
My name is Bea, from Belgium, and I will be traveling through Mexico with my boyfriend from November onwards. We are very eager to learn more about ecological farming and living. 26 and 30 years old, we have been interested in and exploring these subjects over the past couple of years. We are now ready to enrich our interest with a greater amount of practical experience, combined with traveling and discovering other cultures.
We are enthusiastic workers and very motivated to assist you with your project(s). Please let us know if you have any availability for volunteers from November onwards.
Looking forward to your reply,
At 8:31pm on October 25, 2009, Hem ma said…
Hola Melissa:

I am a recent postgraduate in resource management. While I have some organic farm experience, I am eager to learn other traditional methods of farming and spanish language from you. I would like to volunteer my time at your farm from mid-Nov for more than a month. I can put in long hours of work and have a kind personality. Enjoy cooking and working outdoor and with children. Do reply.
Thanks Kindly,
At 10:04am on November 1, 2009, Micah said…
Hello Melissa!
My name is Micah and I am interested in volunteering on your farm for three weeks starting around the 30th of January. I will be traveling through Mexico for two or three months, mostly to learn Spanish and new farming skills. I have quite a bit of experience working with youth ages 5-17, I love to cook and I am a flexible worker.
Please let me know!
At 5:24pm on November 11, 2009, Cristina Falcone said…
Hola Melissa!
I am from New York and am going on a North American farm tour starting next year. I would love to visit this farm in early spring, March or so, and spend a couple months living and working there. I can work hard, speak a bit of Spanish, cook (well!) and have a good deal of gardening experience. I am also good at fixing bicycles and making things and would love to offer those skills to any who need them. Pleas let me know if you have room for me on board!

Thank you,
At 3:16pm on November 30, 2009, Meredith Wyatt said…
I came across your farm and thought its mission and location to be very appealing. Three friends and I are driving from Texas to Mexico in January. We will be traveling through Mexico until March. We are looking for a farm to work with. All of us are fluent in Spanish and two of us have farming experience. We are all hard workers and excited to learn about the ecological issues facing Mexico as a whole and your region in particular. We would love to be apart of your farm for a month. Please let me know what kind of openings you have during that time period. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care!
At 10:42am on December 6, 2009, alex bayer said…
My name is Alex. I am 24 years old and I am from the US. I'll be travelling around Mexico between January and March of 2010 and I am very interested in working on your farm and on the other projects you have going during this time. I'd be most interested in a stay of two weeks to one month, and my schedule is very flexible, so please let me know what would work best for you. I have some limited Spanish ability, though I am very interested in learning more. I also have construction and some organic farming experience, as I worked on a farm in Argentina in the spring of 2008.

At 7:23pm on December 12, 2009, Meredith Wyatt said…

I sent you an email a week ago but never got the form to fill out. There are two of us wanting to work with you for the month of February. We are 23 and 25 and have 8 months experience working on an organic farm. We speak English and Spanish. Please let me know if you have space.

At 8:30pm on December 18, 2009, Saya Knox said…
I have recently arrived in Mexico and am excited by the opportunity to Wwoof here. I have recently had some experience working on farms in Italy, and am keen to continue working outdoors and gaining knowledge. Your farm sounds like a great place, and I am especially interested in seeing how your education program works.
If you need any help during the next few months please let me know. I am free to work from early Jan.
At 2:18pm on December 21, 2009, Dede said…
A friend and i will be wwoofing in mexico for the winter and would love to come visit your farm! I currently manage an urban youth farm in the states and am quite experienced in permaculture, organic farming, farm and wilderness education. I have wilderness medicine skills and my friend and i are both avid outoords adventurists as well as teachers commited to social justice. Please let me know what opportunities exists and if it sounds like we might be a good match.

deb harris
At 7:11pm on December 30, 2009, Tyvian Vigrass said…
Hola Melissa, I have 6 weeks woofing experience in Mexico this year and am heading to Chihuahua in mid to late January. If you have any space I am alone and available for 2 weeks or more. I am a hardworking, happy, open minded woofer wanting a new challenge,
muchas gracias,
At 2:22pm on January 19, 2010, Mieke DeVries said…
Hi Melissa!
My name is Mieke and I will be travelling with my friend Rebecca in Mexico from February to May. We would love to stay at your farm for a week or two. We are both hard-working, eager to learn, and open-minded. Please let us know if we could stay with you sometime during this period! We would be so happy to! Thanks!
At 6:47pm on January 19, 2010, Gunilla Danielsson said…
I´m a swedish woman of 28 years. I´m really interested in working in your farm, it sounds fun. If it´s possible for you I will arrive in the beginning of February or march. I´m a chef and wellness coach, have always been interested in the environment. I have worked 2 months wwoofing in Argentina in 2 farms. Looking forward to work in your ecological farm. I know spanish.

Looking forward to hear from you / Gunilla Danielsson
At 3:40pm on January 20, 2010, Daniel Londoño said…
my name is David Martini and I'm 26 years old. I'm from italy and I was studing Human Rights at the University. I also lived in a organic community, making permaculture and composting toilet. I have some rudiments about renouable energy.
I'm arriving on 26th january to Cancun and I would like to have an experience at your place. I can give more information about me and my situation if you are interested in. I'm really flexible either for the accomodation either for the meals, but I'm vegetarian ;-) ...
I speack perfect spanish and I have with me some organic seeds to share.
I live here my contacts:
e-mail: lacra3@gmail.com
skype: kolladavid
couchsurfing: http://www.couchsurfing.org/mapsurf.html?SEARCH[skip]=0&view=detail&sid=1a6707a3b263fa1337a1b2b435afcc9e

Looking forward to ear from you. Thanks
Best regards
At 3:46pm on January 20, 2010, Daniel Londoño said…
my name is David Martini and I'm 26 years old. I'm from italy and I was studing Human Rights at the University. I also lived in a organic community, making permaculture and composting toilet. I have some rudiments about renouable energy.
I'm arriving on 26th january to Cancun and I would like to have an experience at your place. I can give more information about me and my situation if you are interested in. I'm really flexible either for the accomodation either for the meals, but I'm vegetarian ;-) ...
I speack perfect spanish and I have with me some organic seeds to share.
I live here my contacts:
e-mail: lacra3@gmail.com
skype: kolladavid
couchsurfing: http://www.couchsurfing.org/mapsurf.html?SEARCH[skip]=0&view=detail&sid=1a6707a3b263fa1337a1b2b435afcc9e

Looking forward to ear from you. Thanks
Best regards
At 4:07pm on January 23, 2010, Moises Castillo Goytia said…

Mi nombre es Moises Castillo y me gustaria ser woofer junto con mi novia con uds para cualquier fecha a partir de marzo, abril o mayo, soy de Mexico , estudiante de artes en Oaxaca y mi novia es francocanadiense los dos tenemos experiencia en la agricultura organica hemos trabajado con algunas granjas en Canada y Mexico como voluntarias pues creemos que es una buena forma de aprender sobre el manejo sustentable y equilibrado de la agricultura que la base para una mejor manera de vivir con nuestro medio que es muy importante.

Gracias y espero verlos pronto...
At 12:35pm on January 25, 2010, Erika Takeo said…
Hello Melissa,
I am interested in learning more about your farm and the possibility or wwoofing there during the summer months (between mid-May and mid-August). I am an enthusiastic learner interested in sustainability and organic farming, as well as other ways to lead an environmentally-friendly lifestyle. What languages are spoken at your farm and how long do you allow wwoofers to stay? I am hoping to spend most of my summer in Mexico wwoofing.
Erika Takeo
At 10:11am on February 16, 2010, Anna Montgomery said…
Your farm looks like an incredible program and I am extremely interested in volunteering there starting late February for four to six weeks, or in mid April for a month. I have wwoofed before for a little under a month in Hawaii, and I participated in a semester program where I lived and worked on an Organic farm in Vermont. I have a passion for learning, sustainability, and hard work.
Thank you,
Ana Montgomery
At 5:11pm on February 16, 2010, Adah Frase said…

I am a 24 year old, female hoping to find a farm that I can work on. I am currently in Mexico, and will be free to work starting in March. I have no other commitments so could potentially stay for as long as it works for both of us. I have worked on small sustainable farms for the past several years. At the last farm in North Carolina, I managed the CSA and the markets. I love to work hard, and am also hoping to learn about agriculture in Mexico.

Please let me know if you have openings!

Adah Frase

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