WWOOF Mexico

Reed Douglas Jones's Comments

Messages Box (14 messages)

At 5:26pm on May 14, 2011, ISrael said…
Hola Redd.
Que bueno recibir tu solicitud de pasar por nuestra granja.
Con todo gusto eres bienvenido en nuestra casa. Por favor, contactanos cunado la fecha de tu venida sea próxima para hablar de los detalles de la llegada al lugar.
Estaremos esperando tu escrito.
Salud y buena vida hermano.

At 5:56pm on May 24, 2011, Igor Postrekhin said…

Hey fellow Austinite,


I noticed your request to work on Andres' farm in Puebla.  I'm sending similar request right now.  Was wondering if you got a reply and what turned out of it.  If you end up wwoofing there (before me, it seems), it'd be great if you could give me heads up and pointers.  Thanks and cheers,


At 9:04am on May 26, 2011, Federico Barcelo Aspeitia said…

Hola Reed

Si tenemos espacio en esas fechas.

Sería mejor para nosotros el lunes 6 de junio si quieres que te llevemos a la granja desde Puebla.

Recibimos voluntarios con una estadia minimo de 15 días.

Cuanto tiempo piensas estar e la granja?



At 10:11pm on May 27, 2011, Federico Barcelo Aspeitia said…

Hola nuevamente :)

Si te quedas un mes , mejor para nosotros.

Aqui esta la forma de llegar:


Cuando se acerque la fecha, porfavor comunicate a granjatequio@yahoo.com.mx y podemos llevarte de la ciudad de Puebla a la granja.



At 7:40am on May 29, 2011, ISrael said…

Hola Reed.

Me siento muy apenado contigo por el silencio prolongado. Sabes, han pasado muchas cosas en estos ùltimos dìas con nosotros. Debo comparir contigo que por cuestiones familiares importantes (tenemos en hospital a un ser querido), para el pròximo mes no vamos a poder recibir a ninguna persona pues estamos saliendo constantemente.

Ojalà esta noticia no afecte nada tu estancia en este paìs. De verdad deseo que tu encuentres un buen lugar. Nosotros esperamos que todose ponga en orden pronto y poder recibir wwoofer's pronto nuevamente, pero eso ahora depende no de nosotros.

Salud Reed, y por favor dame una respuesta. Si en ùltima instancia es complicado para tì, llamanos y buscamos la soluciòn juntos.



Israel y Lulu.

At 8:36pm on June 4, 2011, Martina Hillbrand said…

Hola Reed,

I won't make it by 9.30. I will just have to see you at the farm then. I will probably arrive at around 11 or 12 noon. cu on monday. Looking forward to meeting you!


At 1:15am on December 9, 2011, Tona Luisa Osher said…

Dear Reed. Please write to my email t_osher@yahoo.com. It may be possible if you are willing to roll up your sleeves. You are asking for the high season holiday booking, so please send a bit more information about yourselves...or call 52 739 395 5019 anytime.Sincerely, T.

At 1:17am on December 9, 2011, Tona Luisa Osher said…

Dear Reed, Need someone immediately.

At 10:14am on September 14, 2012, Bosque Village said…

There is more info and a form to fill out here:


At 12:20am on October 19, 2012, Edward Briseno Mills said…

Hola Reed,

Thanks for being interested in volunteering at Holy Mole, however I will not be hosting until some time in April of next year.


At 3:07pm on October 20, 2012, Edward Briseno Mills said…

Hola Reed,

thanks for your interest in Holy Mole put I will not be hosting until sometime next year.

sweet travels,


At 4:46pm on December 6, 2012, Rogelio y Nievska said…



Nos encantaría que estuvieras en nuestro rancho. Si quieres a partir de la próxima semana está perfecto. Rogelio se va el miércoles 12 al rancho, podrías aprovechar irte con él de Xalapa. 




At 12:05pm on January 27, 2013, David Peitz said…

hello reed, this is dave, we met in real de catorce. saw a post you put on a farm, starting to look for farms, and wondered if you had a reccomendation for a farm that you liked. my email is wand3r47@gmail.com


At 3:03pm on March 22, 2013, Anand Dílvar said…

Hello Reed:

Thanks for your message.

We are more a retreat and meditation center than a farm, we do have a beautiful 4 acres garden and 600 fruit trees to take care of. It gets a bit quiet here when we have no workshops since we are 30 minutes away from the nearest town and it is only 3 of us living here the rest of the time. 

We do not have a specific project right now but We are building a house with the earth bags technique so there is that kind of work.

Anyway, we are more interested in meeting people and sharing than anything else.

If this interests you it would be great to welcome you here.

Please email me when your plans are clear.



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