WWOOF Mexico

Kenn and Sandra Quinn's Comments

Messages Box (28 messages)

At 1:45pm on March 6, 2011, Norman Martinelli said…

Hi Kenn,


I am new to wwoofing and plan to start this adventure in July. My idea is to have a long-term experience (not necessarily staying in the same place, I'd rather move around).

I would like to learn about permaculture, natural building and meet new friends. 


I am 31, male, Italian and speak Spanish fluently. I live in Spain and work for an NGO.

Although I have no experience about agriculture, I am full of enthusiasm, energy and interest. 


If you nead a help and think that I can learn staying with you, please send an e-mail to normanmartinelli@gmail.com.


Thank you!! 



At 7:51am on March 25, 2011, Yareli Morales said…


I am very excited about the prospect of WWOOFing on your particular farm. I have many relatives in a town about 30 minutes away from Chapala and would love the opportunity to help out on a farm in a region so close to the land that much of my family has tended and lived off of for years. I myself am a vegetarian (although very comfortable with cooking for those with less "leafy" diets) and truly love everything that has to do with food production and management. I am fluent in both Spanish and English and am a very easy going person. As a film producer, it is my job to ensure that things get done in a timely fashion and that everything is researched as thoroughly as possible before being implemented. The nature of starting a business or project like yours is similar and believe I have a lot I can offer. I am a generally silly person, but also consider myself an incredibly hard worker and no stranger to physical labor. I will be in Ethiopia for a large portion of the summer after this semester of school but would love to be considered to volunteer in late July and/or early-mid August. 

Hasta pronto! Looking forward to learning a little bit more about you!


At 4:30pm on March 31, 2011, Alan Rigoberto Vazquez Baza said…

Hola me llamo Alan, tengo 25 años y soy mexicano. Estoy interesado en cooperar en su proyecto. Soy trabajador y siempre dispuesto a aprender. Disfruto estar en contacto con la tierra, las plantas y los animales. Tengo habilidad trabajando con las manos. Estudio de la carrera Planeación Territorial en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) en el DF. Encuentro muchos puntos de contacto entre los estudios que realizo y su propuesta. Quisiera conocer e implicarme en la búsqueda de posibles soluciones sustentables para cubrir las necesidades de alimentación humanas de una manera innovadora y distinta a las tradicionales. No he trabajado en granjas orgánicas pero sí tengo experiencia en granjas regulares. Actualmente tengo vacaciones y estaría disponible del 19 de abril al 6 de mayo espero su respuesta gracias


At 3:29pm on April 1, 2011, Romain Javaux & Yohann Aiglehoux said…

Estimada señorita, estimado señor,


Tenemos información del sitio que nos interesó en particular:

Somos dos franceses, ingenieros en Agronomía Tropical, de 24 anos. Estamos viajando en México por 2 o 3 meses para entender mas las problemáticas ambientales y sociales de la situación en su país, así que tener mas practicas como talleres concretas relacionados a una visión social y sustentable de la tierra. Es por eso que estamos buscando trabajo, descubrir y aprender otra maniera de vivir gracias a Wwoofing y con otros tipos de organizaciones.

Para conocernos:

Entonces estamos enfocados en temas como las reformas agrarias del país, la situación de los pequeños productores, las problemáticas de la tierra (erosión, fertilidad), el acceso a los servicios del Estado (títulos de propiedad, acceso al agua, a los créditos, etc.). Estamos interesados en trabajar y dar nuestro tiempo a ustedes para aprender más lo que es la agricultura orgánica, sustentable, y alternativas de todas las maneras (biodinámica, permacultura, abono orgánico, vermífuga, etc.).

Lo que están haciendo nos interesa mucho, parece que comparten las mismas ideas que nosotros: luchar por una visión alternativa de la agricultura convencional, sensibilizar a la gente en una forma más limpia de la tierra con respecto a los humanos y asuntos ambientales.

Será un placer encontrarlos, conversar de estos temas y trabajar un tiempo juntos si es posible, para así conocer y compartir nuestras experiencias y conocimientos de la vida.

Cualquier pregunta, será con gusto respondida. We have a good level in English also because of last 4 months in California.

Hasta pronto, esperamos.

Por una obra social, una lucha humana, un respeto de la tierra, muchas gracias por lo que hacen.


Romain Javaux & Yohann Aiglehoux.  


Contact: r.javaux@gmail.com


At 1:59pm on April 28, 2011, leslie volpi said…


I'm french and I'm travelling in Mexico since one month. I did wwoof in the sierra near to Chihuahua and in Europe too. I have experience to work in organic gardens.

I studied in geography and I worked with organisations in France to help farmers to find a land and to protect local agriculture.

I'm really exciting by the wwoof project and I' so motived to work with you in your project.

I speak english and I learn spanish each day!

I'm in Guadalajara and I'll be so glad to come in your place in two weeks and I have an an unlimited time for working and traveling.



At 9:22am on June 14, 2011, Hannah Webb said…

Hi Kenn and Sandra,

I am so sorry that I have not replied! I am still in Canada! I have been very busy. I would have loved to come and help out with you folks, and I am sorry that my trip was cut short. But I am guessing that it all happend for a reason! A couple friends and I have began our own adventure in producing local organic food in my home town!!! WE are doing a farming co-op and working very hard at making it a reality for us to be farmers.. It is proving to be difficult. I am working a full time job and also raising 25 chickens and doing a whole ton of gardening at various farms in our area! Our goal is to get people connected to their food again! Get young people involved and keep a  local market going for healthy food! It is so hard to do in Canada but we are doing our best! I am not sure what will happen in the winter but I am hoping that everything will work out so that I can head south on a bus and gain some more experience. So I may be getting in contact with you again closer to the cold months here. If you still need me. Thanks again! Have a great month of June! I hope all your projects are going well! Luz y Paz en su Camino.


At 1:21pm on September 10, 2011, Raina Hailee said…

Hola. i want to work on a farm this winter and yours sounds interesting and nice. i am an intermediate spanish speaker and my main reason for traveling to mexico is to leanr better spanish and to learn about plants and food and farming in different climates other than my own as well as to get to know the local culture. do you have need for volunteer in january? i can dedicate anywhere from  2 weeks to 2 months. please let me know. muchos gracias!


At 7:31pm on September 19, 2011, Yoav Emmanuel Soto Lagunes said…

Hi, I'm yoav, i'm 19, in this moment I am traveling 
in mexico and I joined WWOOF, I always wanted 
learn about organic farming and would love 
help and learn on their farm. I could go in the first 
days of October, if is possible. I hope so. I have 
eager to learn and know the area of ​​Jalisco. 
Thank you very much and good luck. 

Yoav S. 

At 8:20pm on September 19, 2011, Yoav Emmanuel Soto Lagunes said…
Hablo perfecto español.
At 11:27am on October 9, 2011, Raina Hailee said…



lo siento for not getting back to you before. i am going to be traveling through mexico later than i thought, maybe not until march or april. i am sorry i cannot help this winter, i wish i could! what kind of work needs to be done at that time? i ma still interested, just not this soon. muchos gracias!


At 10:05am on October 29, 2011, Rachael R said…

Hi Kenn and Sandra!

My name is Rachael and I am a 22-year-old living and working in the non-profit sector in New York City. I would love to come WWOOF at your farm and contribute in Jalisco. Though I do not have any organic farming experience, I am a fast learner, hard-working and flexible. I have also spent several months volunteering with children in Peru, Costa Rica and Argentina and am conversational in Spanish. I am really interested to learn more about organic farming and Mexico - I would love to help at your farm starting at the end of November to December (1 month).

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,



At 8:40pm on November 8, 2011, Toni Bruno said…

Hello! Myself and a friend would love to come wwoof at your farm for the months of february, march and april, 2012. We both speak spanish and are very motivated and hardworking. Thanks!

Toni & Aaron


At 9:06am on November 30, 2011, Krystal Frost said…


we use to do business with GREAT GREENS in Jocotepec..we also do some business with an organic raspberry person we found across the lake.

take a look at our website www.organic-select.com we use to distribute over on the lake in Chapala and Ajijic, but not at that time, there was not enough interest in organics or gluten free.  We have developed gluten free flour, we grow amaranth and buckwheat for the flour.  Let us know what you do..We also have organic wheat flour and rye..

we will have to visit you on our next visit..

take care,

Krystal Frost

At 1:29pm on December 22, 2011, Laura Lee said…

Hi Kenn and Sandra-

I’m inquiring about the possibility of your farm hosting me for 2-3 weeks in February.


I am a math teacher from the U.S. looking to WWOOF in Mexico to better immerse myself in the Mexican culture and language and to learn about organic farming and what I can do to leave a better ecological footprint on the Earth.


Your farm is of particular interest to me because of your mix of gardens, yoga, meditation, and community integration. I recently took an 8-week mindfulness-based meditation class and would love to come volunteer at a place that embodies those principles in everything it does.

I can cook and bake and clean. I have worked in several restaurants and cafes. I have a degree in Finance as well as teaching math so if you needed help with any of the business tasks involved in running your farm, I would be happy to assist. I used to build sets for theater so I have some building experience, and I love to work outside!

I am really interested in helping out on your farm. I would be happy to help out anywhere you needed me.





At 6:25pm on December 22, 2011, Laura Lee said…

Hi Kenn and Sandra-

Thanks for responding. I am excited to learn more about how I can help on your farm.

Laura Lee

At 1:09pm on December 27, 2011, Adrienne Deshaies Aguirre said…

Saludos!  Yo me llamo Adriana y soy estadounidense.  Voy a estar quedandome in Cuautla, Morelos por la navidad y el nuevo año, y despues me gustaría trabajar en una granja por un mes, empezando a mediados de enero.  No tengo mucha experiencia con la agricultura, pero me gusta hacer trabajo fisico y estar afuera, y tengo experiencia dando talleres y clases a los niños y tambien a los adultos.  Me interesa aprender más sobre la agricultura organica y sostentable, y tambien la cultura Mexicana.  Si les parece la idea de invitarme a trabajar con ustedes, por favor contactame.  Mi correo electronico es apdesha07@gmail.com.

Gracias y que pasen un bonito nuevo año!  :)  


At 7:58pm on January 1, 2012, Susanne y Johannes said…

Hola Kenn and Sandra,
we are Johannes and Susanne from Germany.
We were living in Mexico for 5 month, travelled some time to Guatemala and Belize. Now we are back in Mexico.
Your project sounds very interesting.

Johannes studied landscape architecture and I (Susanne) Ethnology focused on cultures in mesoamerica and ethnobotany.
We want to use our theoretical knowledge and develop it. So we are interested in getting to know new and ecological types of farming and more.
We are open minded, interested in other cultures, lifestyles and various types of farming.
It would be a pleasure for us to help you with your project!
We speak english, spanish and german and are 26 years old.
We worked on a farm in Guatemala (harvesting, composting, reparing), in Campeche (helping to build a house and working with wood) and in Yucatán (composting, planting and building new beds).

We would like to arrive in your place around the 9th of January and work for 1 week. We know it is near-term but maybe it is possible.
We are looking forward to hear from you and get to know eachother!

Muchos saludos Johannes y Susanne

Cel.: 442 3181018

At 6:18pm on January 25, 2012, Christine Munoz said…
Hola! Estoy interesada en trabajar en su finca para Febrero hasta Abril, tendrías espacio disponible? Soy de Puerto Rico, estoy viviendo en Distrito Federal, México, y me gustaría mudarme para hacer wwoof un tiempo. Espero su respuesta!
Hi, im interested in working on your farm from February to April, would you have space available for one person? I am from Puerto Rico, currently living in Mexico City and would like to wwoof for a while. I look forward to hearing from you!

At 10:35am on January 26, 2012, Christine Munoz said…

Hi, Im Christine, from Puerto Rico, currently living in Mexico City and looking to do wwoof for a while. I am available from February until April and would like to know if you have space available in your farm.

I'm looking forward to your reply! 

At 12:37pm on February 1, 2012, Leo & Sascha said…

Buenos días,
hemos leido la descripción de su granja y estamos muy interesados en visitarla y trabajar con Ustedes. Ya no tenemos ni lugar para las próximas semanas, por eso si tienen capacidad para unos wwoofers desde ahora,¡por favor nos escriban!
Somos dos personas abiertas, espontaneas, bonachones, activas y deportivas. Vivimos consciente, amamos estar en la naturaleza y tenemos ganas de practicar alternativas. Tenemos 19 (Leo) y 30 (Sascha) años y estamos de Alemaña. Leo está vegetariana pero no expecta ni complicada cucina vegetariana - solamente quiere omitir el carne.
Hemos llegado ayer (31 de enero) en el D.F. y vamos a viajar por México unos cinco meses. Queremos conocer lo mas posible del pais, la gente y la cultura. Tambien queremos mejorar nuestro espoañol y aprender mucho más por ejemplo sobre la agricultura sostenible.
Ya tenemos algunas experiencias desde el trabajo en granjas orgánicas en Alemaña, Estonia, Grecia y Australia.
Pues, si tienen interes y necesitan ayuda podrían ser nuestra primera granja en Mexico.
Leo y Sascha
P.S.  No tenemos ni  tienda de campaña con nosotros, por eso preguntamos si Ustedes nos podrian ofrecer algún lugar para dormir. Gracias.

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