WWOOF Mexico

Elias Escalante's Comments

Messages Box (45 messages)

At 8:39am on June 15, 2010, Greg Narr said…
Hola! como estas? Me llamo Gregorio. I plan to come to Mexico from now until September. I am really interested in learning about sustainable agriculture and getting my hands dirty. My knowledge of farming starts and ends with the little bit I gleaned from my mother's tulip garden. But I'm convinced that it is the wave of the future and want to be a part of it. I hope you can host me for a bit. Yours truly, Greg
At 11:16am on July 6, 2010, Michael Hauser said…
Muy Senor Mio,

Me llamo Michael, soy un trabajador estadunidense con habilidades de carpinteria, agricultura, y desarollando communidades de bajos recursos. Queiro voluntar con tu organizacion por una minima de tres meses para aprender mas sobre Mexico y la agricultural en el pais.

En el pasado, trabaje con familias en los estados unidos con Habitat for Humanity (habitat para la humanidad,) donde construye casas por familias empobrecidas y las ayude a desarollar sus nuevas communidades para ser saludable. Tambien, hicimos jardines comunitarios en estas communidades. Puedo comienzar a trabajar con usted en el mez de octubre - enero de 2010. Queiro saber cual es lo mejor tiempo para visitar y trabajar. Voy a cruzar mucho del paiz de Mexico por la moto para aprender sobre el tierra y la agricultura.

Un atento saludo,
Michael Hauser
At 9:11am on July 26, 2010, Rodolphe JOURDAIN said…
My name is Rodolphe, from France and I am 28 years old. Trained in farming, I have an experience of 4 years in organic farming in France and 6 months of wwoofing in Irelande. I’m a good worker, patient, quiet and have knowledges in beef, milk, vegetable and chiken farms.
Today, I would like to discover your country as well as your agriculture. I do not speak Spanish but I am ready to work to learn some notions.
Looking forward to your answer,
I greet you
At 10:03am on August 11, 2010, Mr ROBIN Nicolas said…
Hi, my name is nicolas, i'm 29 years old, i live in france , Bretagne. i come alone in mexico during 2 month and i'm looking for farm to work during 1 or 2 weeks or more maybe. i'm very peacefull, i love musik, art and nature. I speack spanish, english and french. i arrive in mexico on 24/08/2010 ( in 2 weeks). i will be very enjoy to work in your farm and discover mexican culture. I wait for your answear. Have a good day.

At 1:17pm on August 27, 2010, Jazmine Rose said…
Mi nombre es Jazmine. Soy de Canada. I am learning Spanish right now on my own in preparation for my Mexico wooffing trip. I am planning to leave Canada in September and stay in Mexico for 6 months. I am looking for a safe farm to go first and stay for a bit while I get used to Mexico and speaking Spanish. I have a little experience in organic farming, I have lived in Radium BC for this past spring and summer learning how to cultivate, plant, and keep a large market garden and small greenhouse. Most of the produce we grew here was potatoes, carrots, garlic, and pumpkins. I am very energetic and fun loving person. I have been to Mexico many times since I was 6 years old and ever since then I have fallen in love with the country, the people and the land. I am on a soul searching journey to find my true self and my courage and independence.
If there is room for someone like me in January I would be pleased to hear back and I will continue working on my Espanola until then.
Thank you for your time,
Jazmine Rose
At 7:58pm on September 14, 2010, Roisin Warner said…
Hi Elias,
I'm a new WWOOFer with a lot of outdoor experience but little specific agricultural experience. I'm hands on 24 year old girl with enthusiasm for the outdoors and learning new skills. I'm learning spanish at the moment and working on my art. I have just returned from the Nevada desert where I was helping to run a sustainable project that provided food for people in conjunction with Burning Man festival. I will be in Mexico from tomorrow, and I would be very interested to come and help with your project if there is any availability - I hope I can be of assistance. I'm a good worker with energy and spirit, and I would love to volunteer.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
At 9:00am on September 17, 2010, elo said…
Hola Eias,
he llegado ayer a MÈxico, y si, siguo queriendo venir a vuestro encuentro::
podria estar alla dentro de tres o cuatro dias:
dime algo
At 10:55pm on September 19, 2010, Kelly DUQUEINE said…
Hola! Como estas?

Sorry our spanish is not very good but we will improve quickly, we're sure! We are two french travelers(one girl and one boy), going from Canada to Argentina! We will be in Mexico for the next 2-3 months, from the 1st of October. We will be great to come at your place to help you for a week or two (depending of your needs). We don't have a lot of experience in organic farming but we are hard workers, very energetic and willing to learn. Please let us know if this could work out for you and if it's ok, which date would be better for us to show up.

Best Regards

Kelly and Christophe
At 11:09am on September 20, 2010, Carr Schaden said…
Hola! My name is Carrie and I'm from California. I have some experience working in organic agriculture, permaculture, as well as with different alternative technologies like earth construction, rain catchment, waste water treatment with marshes and lagoons, as well as improved cookstoves. I would love to work with you guys and assist you in any way possible. Curently Im also documenting appropriate technology and agriculture projects around Mexico for a website Appropedia.org so that other people can learn about cool organizations in Mexico as well as learn how to do some of the projects themselves. I would love to visit, help out, and document some of your work if its allright with you. For more info about me check out http://www.appropedia.org/User:Carrienoburden. Thanks so much.
Carrie Schaden
At 3:31pm on September 20, 2010, Lina Schwarz said…
soy Lina de Alemania, ahorita viajando por México y me gustaría mucho vivir y trabajar con ustedes. Ya tengo experiencia con wwoof, he ayudado con construción ecologica en España y agricultura orgánica en México. Hablo bien español y inlgés y soy muy trabajadora! Por favor avisenme si necescitan ayuda a partir de ahora.
Gracias y Saludos!
At 11:54am on September 21, 2010, elo said…
Hola ELIAS, estare en Tepoz manana, me quedare dos o tres dias en una posada , y de alli te llamare para que me des mas informacion sobre lso trabajos que se pueden hacer. Me quedare por alli 15 dias como mucho porque el 9 tengo que salir para san sebastian mas al sur. Pero bueno ya me dara tiempo de conocer gente, de echar una mano y tal vez podre regresar en noviembre.
gracias por estas precisiones, nos vemos pronto,
At 5:42am on September 24, 2010, Tina Fuentes Fache said…
Hola Elias, soy Tina de España. Me gustaría estar con vosotros a partir del 29 de octubre si es posible, ayudaros y aprender. Tengo 26 años, he trabajado en alguna granja pero tampoco tengo mucha experiencia, sin embargo muchas ganas de aprender! Llego de España el mismo 29 y voy a viajar por México y Centro América durante un tiempo. Creo que el wwooffing puede ser una buena manera de empezar mi viaje.

Gracias y saludos
At 10:50am on September 24, 2010, elo said…
Hola Elias, no consiguo llamarte, no me sale la llamada.
por eso te vuelvo a mandar un email. Estoy en tepoztlan y hoy me voy a amatlan, pense que seria bueno conocer la direccion de la finca que necesitaba gente para trabajar. Yo estoy mas que disponible a partir de manana. y bueno , espero que me puedas mandar un mail para que sepa un poco mas.
Averiguare los email esta tarde y esta noche, quizas nos vemos pronto,
que te vaya bien todo.
At 11:27am on September 26, 2010, elo said…
Hola Elias, nos perdimos por poco o nos cruzamos sin saberlo...
este fin de semana era hermoso, cierto?
bueno, estoy de nuevo en Tepoztlan para unos dias, encontre un alquiler baratito.
No creo que salga del pueblo hoy ...
tal vez nos encontramos a otro momento
sino que todo te vaya bien,
At 1:38pm on September 27, 2010, elo said…
Todo bien...acabo de ver el mensage,,pensaba que estabas en otro pueblo.
disculpa. ya no estaras por aca imagino'?
At 10:34pm on October 3, 2010, Ilan said…
hola elias

me llamo ilan. te escribi en la pagina de yolteotl desde francia antes de marchar, en julio pero me no me has contestado. estuve un mes en ecovillananda en la sierra sur de oaxaca con osvladho y escuche de elias. toque con su guitara y me pregunto si no eres tu.
me voy por tepoztlan en dos dias y queria saber mas de ti. ¿ tal vez me pueda juntar en un proyecto?
At 1:33pm on October 14, 2010, Petit said…

We are two french girls (22 years old and 20 years old) who finished their studies. Pauline know how to speak spanish fluently, i know how to speak english and i would like to learn spanish.
We would like to go in a Farm in mexico around in december.
We read your page, and we are interested to work with you.
Are you interested to work and share this aventure with us?
thank you
At 9:03pm on October 15, 2010, Ilan said…
Hola Elias.
¡ si era tu guitara en eva! pues gracias.
te escribo desde san cristobal. cambiaron mis planes y no vine a tepoztlán. es porque me enteré del encuentro de visiones que va a ser en chalmita y tenía que ir a chiapas antes de llegar a chalmita.
¿nos encontramos alla?
At 1:46pm on October 18, 2010, Petit said…
i sent to you a message, saying that my cousin and i was interested to work with us in december, but finally it's in january.
Can you answer me please, to know if you are interested or not, because we need to organize our travel.
thank you
have a good day
At 4:34pm on October 18, 2010, Noemie said…
I’m travelling with a friend of mine (Joseph, 21year old fella from Montreal.) on the west coast of Canada right now and its getting cold! We now want to head south, and Mexico is definitely on our way.
Because organic farming and sustainable agriculture is something important to us and travelling is what we do, woofing is really appealing for us.
We’ve been working here and there as farm hand and fruit picker in Canada, and would love to enjoy the experience of working on an organic farm in Mexico. I’ve learned Spanish on a 3-month trip in Peru, and I think I could improve it while staying in Mexico.

We would love to work, help and have fun at your farm, and are ready to leave as soon as possible and are ready to stay from one week to a month. If you need respectful, curious and happy woofers, we will be waiting for some new from you!

Looking forward for a hot and joyful winter, we wish you happy days.
Noemie and Joseph.

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