WWOOF Mexico

Justine Faust's Comments

Messages Box (27 messages)

At 4:58pm on September 24, 2010, Terresa Beck said…
Justine, Let's plan a date for your arrival. E mail me at naturescradlecollectivo@yahoo.com please.
At 8:40pm on October 4, 2010, Melissa McNell said…
Hi Justine--you should check out our website www.tutuaca.org. We are super remote but as a result focus on sustainability. Let me know what your thoughts are as the time gets closer. Melissa
At 9:31am on October 6, 2010, Melissa McNell said…
Hi Justine--you are welcome to come down anytime. If we have enough participants we run the programs, however with the negative publicity of Mexico most have canceled. The March WFR course will run since we already have a number of sign ups. If you are at the ranch and actively volunteering the WFR's are free--so that might be incentive to come down early too. Let us know so we can get you on the schedule.

At 10:48pm on October 10, 2010, Terresa Beck said…
Justine, Please contact us directly naturescradlecollectivo@yahoo.com . Terresa
At 6:33pm on October 26, 2010, Terresa Beck said…
Please e mail.me directly naturescradle @yahoo.com
At 11:24pm on November 5, 2010, ISrael said…
Salud Justine.
Gracias por agregarnos en sus contactos.
At 11:59am on January 3, 2011, Fallon Roderick said…

After reading your profile and post on the farm in Puerto Escondido, I think we would get along very well! I am currently on a bike tour from San Diego to Oaxaca City, I´ve made it to Cuidad Constitucion in B.C.S. This is my first time in Mexico, and I would love to participate in some permaculture and agriculture projects when I arrive in Oaxaca within the next month. I would be interested in meeting up with you, because we hold such similar passions and interests.

At 9:04pm on January 7, 2011, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…

Que tal.

mi nombre es luis miguel mayagoitia y soy parte del proyecto ollinyotl, actualmente me encuentro en la ciudad de tijuana trabajando en un proyecto, estare en mi granja a partir del dia 20 de enero. disculpa la tardanza, y estamos a tus ordenes

At 10:31pm on January 10, 2011, Fallon Roderick said…
I haven't heard back from them either, actually. Too bad, I was really excited about that farm! Right now we are DF, biking out tomorrow to Oaxaca City, we should be there in a week. I haven't heard back from any of the farms I contacted in Oaxaca. I am remaining hopeful that I can find something when I get there. Let me know what you are up to!
At 9:02pm on January 20, 2011, Renato Dorfman said…

Hola Justine

puedes venir cuando quieras. estamos ubicados en la zona urbana de puerto morelos, en la esquina de la calle 8.

Aqui ter esperamos



At 9:17am on January 25, 2011, Wally Carlson said…

Hi Justine,

Now is not a good time because I'm taking some time to visit family.  We wish you well and hope you find just the right farm...


At 7:31pm on February 3, 2011, Melissa McNell said…
Justine--I have you on the books for sometime this winter so let me know and we can make it happen--remember we are remote, no internet and no cell phone...
At 7:50pm on February 8, 2011, Fallon Roderick said…
Hi Justine,

That's great that you have found 3 farms to work on! I haven't had nearly as good of luck with WWOOF farms, and haven't worked on any as of yet. I am currently staying in Oaxaca City, with an organization I was connected to before (organizing around indigenous rights). I'll be here for the rest of the month more or less, and then I plan to head to San Cristobal to work on the farm with Kippy Nigh for about a month. Then I plan to start riding my bike back north, to beat to extreme heat.

At 11:15pm on February 14, 2011, Wally Carlson said…

March may work.  Do you know when in March yet?


At 1:43pm on February 15, 2011, Melissa McNell said…

Justine--I can have someone pick you up in Yepachi Sunday at 1:00--it is a 4 hr trip on horseback one way so we need to make sure you can be there.  There is a 4:30 am bus and a 6:30 am bus from Chihuahua to Yepachi--Estrella Blanca--the early one arrives at 11 and the other at 1--Lucy's restaurant and hotel is a good place to meet--it will probably be Hector who picks you up...Please confirm that this coming Sunday works for you.



At 11:03am on February 19, 2011, Andrew Thomas Butter said…
Hey, if your not leaving tomorrow, holla!
At 6:11pm on February 19, 2011, Wally Carlson said…

Justine, I may be too late to tell you that you are welcome to come.  


At 9:35pm on February 20, 2011, Wally Carlson said…
we need some sort of an idea when you'll arrive so we can regulate our schedule.  Wally
At 12:03pm on February 21, 2011, Wally Carlson said…

Can you come on the 28th?  Sooner is ok too.


At 10:47am on February 22, 2011, Wally Carlson said…
We have two other wwoofers - one arriving on the 28th. We serve the main meal in the middle of the day and the rest is up to you. Review our farm page for more specifics.

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