WWOOF Mexico

Wally Carlson's Comments

Messages Box (266 messages)

At 8:02am on March 27, 2009, Daniela Reil said…

I am interrested in working on your farm for about 10 weeks, starting from the beginning of july.
I need an internship as I am studiing Environmental ressource management.
I love nature and everything connected with farming. My intend is to learn as much as possible about permaculture, be productive and do all this with people, who got the same interrests.

Looking forward for your reply!

Daniela Reil
At 5:45pm on March 27, 2009, josee said…
we are two travellers interested by collective living, heading south now in Tamipco. We have been on this trip for now about 3 weeks in mexico, we love to travel around but we want to create stronger friendship by living and helping out.
We have already knowledge/expereince in farming and woofing, gardening animal care processing produce, medicinal plants, and beekeeping, would like to share experience by helping out.

Let me know if you would like us to come to your farm we will be more than happy to do so. It would be for the next week or so.
please if you can let me know as soon as possible I would apreciate it.

thanxs and take care
josee and antoine
p.s. please write me @ missifuylalibertad@yahoo.com
At 10:37am on March 29, 2009, Robin said…
Wally and Amaranth,

One or two friends of mine (both WWOOF Mexico members) and I are going to be traveling in Mexico and working on farms in July, and we were wondering if we could work for you for week or two. We all have a little experience with organic farming, and eager to learn more.

At 9:55pm on March 31, 2009, Maxime Poilane said…
I'm Maxime, I'm french and I travel in Mexico for 3 months with a frensh friend He's in wwoof Mexico too.
We are interesting to work with you, we would like to discover more in the organic agriculture and learn to speak spanish better. But we can stay just 1 or 2 weeks. We will come in Nayarit in the end of April. We are in Baja California Sur for the moment.
Muchas gracias.

Maxime et Antoine
At 10:05am on April 9, 2009, Karl Michael Tuite said…
Hi Wally and Amaranth

i{m interested in working on your farm for a month or so, will there be any space and plenty of work from april 15 to may 15?


karl tuite
At 4:04pm on April 11, 2009, Jen Plowden said…

My name is Jen Plowden. I just read a little about your farm and I'm wondering if you'll be needing help during the upcoming summer months, between May 30 and Aug 5. If so could you tell me a little more info about the day to day activities that would be excellent. I'm 22 and will be graduating from the University of Maine in May, going to graduate school in September. I'm looking for an opportunity to practice my limited Spanish and learn more. I have grown up on a farm, mostly animal (horse, cow, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, dogs) and small vegetable and have worked at a larger scale conventional and organic farm in Maine. I have extensive horse experience and low impact forestry skills.

I'm looking for a way to work in exchange for a place to stay and food to eat. Having exposure to local culture and the spanish language is key. I also want to learn more about the crops grown in that part of the world, such as fruit trees/bananas and cacao.

If I seem like someone you would benefit from having on the farm, please let me know!

I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your time.

At 9:30pm on April 11, 2009, Brandy Asher said…
Hola Wally and Amaranth! We are two motivated womyn from Australia and California who are interested in working on your fruit farm for a month starting the second week in July. We are very eager to learn from you and the land you are farming to expand our minds and hearts. We are intuitive learners who really want to participate in sustainable agriculture and are very willing workers!! Would love to experience awakening in such a beautiful environment and find achievement with our hands and souls in the dirt. Please let us know if you would like us to work with you!! Thank you
At 12:41am on April 21, 2009, Katie Priebe said…
Wally y Amaranth,

Somos 2 voluntarios que estamos interesados en ir a visitar la granja para el mes de Junio. Tenemos planes de quedarnos 2 semanas, en caso de que se a posible.

Somos 2 estudiantes universitarios estudiando en la ciudad de Nueva York. Yo estoy estudiando arte y mi novia politicas sustentables, donde ha estudiado acerca de los sistemas de alimentacion y la importancia de una red de comida para el desarrollo de comunidades saludables. Yo soy de Mexico, creci en el estado de Baja California y decidi ir a estudiar a los Estados Unidos hace tiempo.

Creemos que es critico el desarrollo de granjas responsables hacia el medio ambiente y estar mas cerca de la comida que consumimos.

Nos interesa su granja por estas razones, estamos dispuestos a trabajar en las responsabilidades del lugar y con todo lo que sea necesario. Estamos interasados en saber como opera una granja organica en la comunidad local, y especialmente porque esperamos importar tecnicas y metodos para usarlos en un jardin con el que planeamos crecer comida para nuestro vecindario. Basicamente esperamos una experiencia de aprendizaje.

Somos vegetarianos y no consumimos productos de ningun origen animal. Estamos comprometidos hacia el medio ambiente consumiendo productos de origen organico y proveniente de granjas locales. Rechazamos los medios de transporte comunes. Hemos cambiado las fuentes de energia que alimentan nuestro hogar para usar energia eolica e hidroelectrica.

Diganos que semanas de Junio nos podria recibir. Y estamos emocionados de saber de usted.

Francisco Correa Cordero
Katie Priebe
At 5:39pm on April 28, 2009, Charlotte Small said…
what's weal?!
my partner (isreal, mexican) and i (charlotte, english) have been living in sayulita, nayarit for the last year and a half and are now looking for an opportunity to learn about organic farming and sustainable living. we want to discover working and living with and learning from the land which sustaines us.

i am a primary school teacher, and have been working with a small ngo in punta de mita called p.e.a.c.e. mexico ( www.peacemexico.com ), isreal is an artesan and has been working here as a chef. we recently worked together running a holiday camp (semana santa/ patscua) for primary school children working on beach clean-up and recycling as an introduction to thinking about waste and consumption. we also taught the children to make hand-made bags and wallets using old clothes. now we want to really learn hands-on about living in a sustainable way. we are seeking a peaceful, wholesome working and spiritual life, exploring our connection with the earth.

we have two dogs, which i hope doesn't make us an unviable option! we both speak spanish. we have no time limits and are keen to get involved in any specific projects or daily tasks according to the needs of yoursleves and your farm. we are leaving sayulita this week - so a rapid response would be very much appreciated!

thank you for your time, i look forward to hearing from you soon.

warm regards, charlotte
At 12:15pm on May 3, 2009, Drew Lenihan said…
My brother and his girlfriend and I are planning to travel to Mexico this summer. We are very interested in working on an organic, sustainable farm. We all speak Spanish and are hard workers. We are interested in volunteering for you beginning around June 15th for about two weeks. Would you have space then?
Muchas Gracias!
Anna Daggett
At 4:49pm on May 9, 2009, Niamaat said…
I am in Mexico now (Santiago de Queretaro) and will be in Mexico for the next 6 months. I'm looking to arrange wwoofing work exchanges for that period. Thanks for letting me know when and for how long you need willing workers and how to apply. You can see a bit more about me on my wwoofmexico NING page. Just click on the tulips. :)
My email address is commonwealth_solutions @ yahoo dot com
At 3:05pm on May 10, 2009, Rémi PARTOUCHE said…
Hi Wally and Amaranth !

This is so unbelievable, I think wwoof mexico is not very well designed, I was waiting for your answer to arrive in my inbox, which made sense, but I just realized today that it arrived in FEBRUARY in my "ME", so I thought you hadn't replied at all !
I guess your plans have evolved, and maybe you are full now, but I would still love to come work at your place. I'm currently wwoofing in Mazatepec, near Xalapa, until the end of may, and would be able to come from mid june.
If it's still possible, let me know.
I tried to find your email adresse as you asked me to do, but I couldn't finf it.
Mine is remipartouche@gmail.com

Hope we'll be in contact soon.
Wish you the best,

At 3:38pm on May 15, 2009, Deb Martell said…

My boyfriend and I are interested in travelling to Mexico and working on an organic farm for a couple of weeks this summer. We are both hardworking, both have degrees in natural resource conservation, and are very interested in organic farming! Our dates are flexible during June and the first half of July - do you have space, and are you at all interested in having us come work for a bit? Looking forward to hearing from you!

At 6:32pm on May 22, 2009, Sarah K. Whitten said…

I will be in Mexico indefinitely starting June 11 and am very interested in working on your farm at some point after July 10th. My dates are flexible so if this works out let me know what dates would be best for you. I'm interested in working for 2 or 3 weeks, maybe longer depending on how things go.

I have no experience working on a farm but I am a hard worker and interested learner. I like to wake up early and I love working outside.

Yo estoy estudiando espanol en una universidad en los estados unidos y yo voy a estudiar espanol por un mes en Guadalajara este verano. Me gustaria practicar hablando espanol mientras aprendando cultivar.

Please let me know if this would work for you!

At 2:13am on May 26, 2009, ralf said…
hola wally y amaranth carlson,

su granja me parese mui interesante y
tengo mucha gana allegar por alla para
trabajar y compartir la vida
con ustedes !
para mi seria mui bien llegar en junio o julio.
tambien puedo en agosto si seria mejor para
espero con alegria su respuesta

At 4:05pm on May 28, 2009, Kinga Margarita y Kudra Mariposa said…
Aloha y Hola Wally,

my boyfriend and I are planning on traveling the pacific coast, and wanted to see if we can contribute our experiences on your property.
we are planning on being in the region in another month, so if you would like to contact us, plaese refer to our profile.

Mahalo Y Gracias!
At 11:43am on June 11, 2009, Katie Priebe said…
Wally and Amaranth,

Somos 2 voluntarios que estamos interesados en ir a visitar la granja para el lunes 15 de Junio. Tenemos planes de quedarnos cerca de un mes, en caso de que se a posible.

Somos 2 estudiantes universitarios estudiando en la ciudad de Nueva York. Yo estoy estudiando arte y mi novia politicas sustentables, donde ha estudiado acerca de los sistemas de alimentacion y la importancia de una red de comida para el desarrollo de comunidades saludables. Yo soy de Mexico, creci en el estado de Baja California y decidi ir a estudiar a los Estados Unidos hace tiempo.

Creemos que es critico el desarrollo de granjas responsables hacia el medio ambiente y estar mas cerca de la comida que consumimos.

Nos interesa su granja por estas razones, estamos dispuestos a trabajar en las responsabilidades del lugar y con todo lo que sea necesario.

Somos vegetarianos y no consumimos productos de ningun origen animal. Estamos comprometidos hacia el medio ambiente consumiendo productos de origen organico y proveniente de granjas locales. Rechazamos los medios de transporte comunes. Hemos cambiado las fuentes de energia que alimentan nuestro hogar para usar energia eolica e hidroelectrica.

Ya estamos en Mexico, solo diganos si nos puede recibir e iremos directo para alla.

Francisco Correa Cordero
Katie Priebe
At 8:02am on June 16, 2009, Benoit RONZON said…
Soy Benoit RONZON. Vivo en francia. Aprendo el espanol
Preparo un viaje de tre meses en Mexico (de julio a septembre)
Durante este tiempo en Mexico me gustaria descubir la agricultura mexicana, las personas y la manera de trabajar.
Soy agricultor. Trabajé capacitando personas la profesion de ganadero (vacas)
Desde hace tres anos trabajo en una granja como responsable de la produccion ecologica del huerto (40 especies diferentes)
Me gustaria mucho descubrir vuestro granja
Soy disponible a partir del finales de julio
De antemano muchas gracias
Esperando una respuesta favorable
At 10:07am on June 24, 2009, orion burnham said…
Hello Wally and Amaranth my name is Orion and I would like to come and WWOOF on your farm for a week or two, I am currently in Baja on holiday from New Zealand. I am a 30 year non smoker/drug user and I have my own camping gear. If this is a possibility you can email me at orionburnham@yahoo.com. Cheers Orion.
At 3:39pm on July 27, 2009, Owen Ferguson said…

My wife and I are from Canada and planning a roadtrip through the US along the West coast and expect to be arriving in the Puerto Vallarta area in mid-November (though our dates are somewhat flexible and can accommodate your needs). We are looking for a place just like yours, somewhere quiet and comfortable (with phone and internet access!) as a starting point in our winter WWOOFing journey through Latin America, a place where we can set up camp for the end of 2009 and be able to have reliable contact with our families through the holiday season. We're interested in staying through the month of December, so a stay of 6 weeks or so depending on our arrival date.

We both have some experience with organic gardening for personal use, and I'm not sure if you keep other animals besides the dogs, but my wife's family owns a small hobby farm with pigs, hens and sheep, and we both have some experience taking care of the animals.... We also have experience processing raw milk into yogurts, cheeses etc. We both thoroughly enjoy a challenge and are fast learners. We certainly aren't afraid of hard work!

While our knowledge of Spanish is very limited now, we intend to spend the 10 weeks we have on the road in Canada & the US learning as much as we can, and look forward to the learning experience of immersion. Please let us know if you can use our help during the months of November and December of this year - we look forward to hearing from you!

- owen & bex


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