WWOOF Mexico

Wally Carlson's Comments

Messages Box (266 messages)

At 6:44pm on July 28, 2009, Owen Ferguson said…
Just wanted to let you know that I sent you a quick reply via email, but also that I've updated our profile here with a bit more info about our combined interests and skills, so you can check that out as well for a few more details about us.....

- owen
At 9:01am on August 6, 2009, Minerva Rosas said…

Me llamo Minerva soy de Barcelona y estoy interesada en tu granja. Tengo disponibilidad apartir de octubre/noviembre hasta...Dios quiera! Tengo ganas de aprender, colaborar, ayudar con la comunidad, además de viajar a México. He estudiado naturopatia he realizado cursos de masaje, reflexologia, etc con lo cual podría poner un granito de arena. Se inglés aunque no me defiendo mucho, pero muchisimas ganas de poder aprender-lo de una vez!
Gracias por todo!
Espero recibir noticias...
At 2:38pm on October 1, 2009, pilar jorgensen said…
Hi! I am making my way down from Oregon to Chile and want to wwoof in Mexico in Dec-January. I am doing an internship at the Virgin Islands eright now, organic farming and agroecology.
Interesting! I have friend that lives in San Pancho and plan to visit her soon...But i am mosy interested in sustainable agriculture and a diversity of edible specimens according to climate areas. The theme lately has been sub-tropical.
How are you looking on available spaces? I also did an intership with Earthship Biotecture in may. I would love to write more to you about me if you would like. I am bilingual! si por supuesto. bueno, hablamos pronto!
At 5:13pm on October 14, 2009, Katie Swanlund said…
Hello! I am excited to start WWOOFing for the first time as well as travel in Mexico! Would you happen to have any room during the first part of January? I am on a pretty short trip (hopefully next time will be longer) but I would love to work for 2 weeks. In Seattle I work as an organic gardener and would like to transform that into farming at some point; now is a good time to start! I am excited to hear about your fruit orchard as that is something I have always wanted to work on. Look forward to hearing from you!
At 9:23am on October 15, 2009, Martine Broquet said…
I'm currently in Mexico, looking for a farm to work in and the description of yours is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm 29, I come from Switzerland but live in Berlin, Germany and I'm taking now a six month break in Mexico in order to learn Spanish while working on organics Farms. I just arrived, so it would be my first wwoofing experience but I'm very familiar with nature, and I'm very motivated to work and learn.
I would love to work on your farm as soon as possible, if you have some room available for me. And I would like to work on your farm until the end of November. Would you have room for me?
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
At 5:01pm on October 26, 2009, Daniel Domin said…
Hello. I am going to be in Mexico from November 16 to December 5th and am interested in coming to work at your farm. I don't have much farm experience but I love to work and to learn. I am exploring the option of owning my own farm one day in the future. Do you currently have any other woofers staying with you during those dates? I look forward to hearing from you,

At 4:33pm on November 4, 2009, Arturo Orrala said…

My name is Arturo and i am from Santa Cruz, CA. I am a community college student and am going to mexico for my winter quarter. I am intrested in helping out in the farm from 28 of December through January 31. I would love to help out and learn more about self sustainability. I am looking forward to hearing from you. thanks

Arturo Orrala
At 3:18am on November 5, 2009, gabriel said…
Me llamo Gabriel, soy Francès. Tengo vientidos anos, he acabo mis estudios de agricultura y quisiera a ver su pais. Mis padres tienen une finca de agricultura biologica certificada en el sur de francia y trabajan con céréales (trigo y otras) y la transformation en pan. Tenemos tambien ovejas, vinedo, arboles frutales. Antes de ser campesino en Francia vuestro pais me atrae y quisiera descubrir la biodiversida agricola, cultural, historica y humana tambien.
La salida por el mexico es el doce de noviembre y me quedara varios meses.
Espero que sera possible ir en vuestra finca que me motive mucho.
Dice me usted si es posible aprobar para noviembre o deciembre y me podria indicar en el mapa como ir y encuentrarnos en la finca.
No hablo muy bien Espanol y tambien Engles pero quiero aprender.
Muchas gracias de antemano
At 7:42am on November 7, 2009, Caroff solenn said…
Soy Solenn, vengo de Francia, pero ahora estoy en Mexico por un ano. Soy muy interesado para ser WWoFers en su farm para el principio del mes de diciembre, no se si es posible?
En Francia vengo del Campo, y quiero acercarme de la naturaleza mexicanaaaa!
Yo fue a irlanda por algunos mese haciendo wwoof, y quiero seguir con esta manera de viajar y compartir en Mexico.
Soy bien alegre, me gusta trabajar, compartir y disfrutar de la vida en general.
Espero su respuesta
Hasta pronto!
At 10:15am on November 24, 2009, Bea Maes said…
My name is Bea, from Belgium, and I am traveling through Mexico with my boyfriend. We are very eager to learn more about ecological farming and living. 26 and 30 years old, we have been interested in and exploring these subjects over the past couple of years. We are now ready to enrich our interest with a greater amount of practical experience, combined with traveling and discovering other cultures.
We are enthusiastic workers and very motivated to assist you with your project. Please let us know if you have any availability for volunteers.
Looking forward to your reply,
At 2:13pm on November 26, 2009, Kinga Margarita y Kudra Mariposa said…
Hi Wally, we spoke about six months ago, we are currently volunteering at the turtle farm in san pancho but the season is slowing down and we are looking for a new project to help with. When we spoke before you said there was no space, just wondering if anything has opened up. we have tents and camping gear if there is a place for us to camp.
look forward to hearing from you!
At 6:55am on November 27, 2009, Ellen Heijenga said…
Hola Wally and Amaranth* Sounds good ..i'm very much interested in sustainable living..So far i've only grown my own herbs for foodseasoning. I would like to get my fingers in the earth and dig a little deeper. To me it doesn't end with caring for the crop. As a musician and soundhealer my care goes out to all those around me~~I'm eager to learn and will bring lot's of love and joy with me* Depending on availability of tickets i will be in mexico in december and can stay as long as i'm needed. esperando oir pronto sus gratas noticias, les saluda*Ellen* weerklank777@yahoo.com
At 9:15am on November 29, 2009, Abigail Morrison said…

My name is Abigail, and right now I am wwoofing in Jalisco. A friend I've met at this farm and I have started to think about moving on and we would love to work on another farm in Mexico before we both leave around Christmas! Are you open at this time for one or more volunteers at your farm? It sounds like a lovely place. We are both hard workers who are interested in the spiritual side of life on this Earth.

At 3:41pm on December 1, 2009, Meredith Wyatt said…
I am traveling through Mexico with some friends from Jan.-March. We are all thoughtful, hardworking people. We are all fluent in Spanish and excited to know Mexico and its farming movement. I have experience working on organic farms and thought your operation sounded very interesting. We are looking to stay for a month. Please let me know what your openings are. Thank you for your time.
At 1:27pm on December 2, 2009, Lori Bevan said…
How's are things on the farm? My farming partner and I finished things up here about a month ago and I am missing the warm sunshine and physical work of the farm. Your farm seems like a great to work and learn. Would you need help around the middle of December to the middle of or end of January? I look forward to hearing from you.
At 2:08am on December 3, 2009, Ellen Heijenga said…
Hola Amaranth* I will fly into mexico 11dec and my age is 44* Hope to hear from you soon if there's still room in December~~muchos gracias, take care~~Ellen
At 11:10am on December 4, 2009, Chelsea Britt Gay said…
I will be traveling with a friend in mexico in January 2010 and want to come work on your farm. I am currently studying sustainable agriculture in college and have expereince working on biointensive, organic and pasture raised livestock operations. I really enjoy working hard and want to learn as much as possible as well as contribute to your farm as much as possible. let us know! - chelsea
At 12:35pm on December 5, 2009, Lori Bevan said…
Hi Amaranta,
I am thinking of coming December 13th until January 17th. Does that work for you? If I fly into Puerto Vallarta is it hard to get a bus to Aticama? What is the best way to get there? What kind of work would I mostly be doing? I am 35 years old.
Thanks for getting back to me so soon,
At 9:55pm on December 6, 2009, Sarah Wetmore said…
Hi Wally and Amaranth,

My name is Sarah and i'm traveling from Vancouver, Canada by bicycle with the hopes of learning and volunteering on organic farms such as yours. I'm with 5 others and we will be in your area within 2 weeks. We are completely self sufficient with our own equipment as well. Do you need any help right now?

Any questions, please let us know!

Thanks! Sarah
At 7:34pm on December 12, 2009, Janie Calder said…
Richard and I are really excited to travel through Mexico and work on a farm in your region. We are riding our bicycles from Canada and are presently in southern California. We are flexible with our schedule and can be available at any time between January and April.
Please feel free to email us to talk about volunteering.
Thank you,
Janie and Richard

Richard y yo tenemos muchas ganas a viajar en Mexico y trabajar en su granja.
Estamos montando nuestros bicicletas desde Canada' y ahora estamos en California sur. Estamos muy flexible con nuestro viaje y estamos disponible desde enero hasta abril.
Por favor, sientense libre a contactarnos.
Janie and Richard

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