WWOOF Mexico

Harry Woodward's Comments

Messages Box (13 messages)

At 11:33am on September 15, 2010, Edward Briseno Mills said…
Hola Harry,
I would love to host you here at "Holy Mole" your skill level and interest are perfect for what I need. If your available in April on, of 2011. I will be excepting volunteers at that time.
Best to you,
At 6:35pm on September 18, 2010, fabri said…
Hola Harry
estoy ayudando Renato cuando puedo en los trabajos del lugar
Eres mas que bienvenido aqui, la granja estuvo por 5 - 6 meses abandonada, y hay mucho que hacer.
Te dejo mi numero de celular 9987054812, asi que me llames si necesitas algo.
Para llegar: cuando estes a puerto morelos, pide un taxi que te lleve a la "zona urbana, esquina de la calle 8".
Hasta pronto
At 12:38pm on September 19, 2010, Tona Luisa Osher said…
Hi Harry. Please send me your email when you try to communicate. Are you close at hand in Mexico? You are welcome and it would be great if you could call by phone. I'll be out until Monday night.You may phone anytime. There has been lots of rain here and the upkeep could really use an extra pair of 'green thumb' hands. I will be happy tp speak to you in Spanish so you can perfect it. People love to come here.The area is full of internationalists, campesino wizards with earthskills and lots to enjoy.Hope you come. Sincerely, T.
At 12:43pm on September 19, 2010, hostel solferino paradise said…
Hi Harry, I am happy to have you come and help. I am in the USA now but my Son Beto is on the farm all the time. His email is tobeleon@hotmail.com. Mine is maggiemale@hotmail.com. Please be in touch. Maggie

At 10:15pm on September 19, 2010, Edward Briseno Mills said…
Hola Harry.
Sorry ,Not hosting until April 2011 here at Holy Mole.

At 6:26pm on September 21, 2010, fabri said…
Hei, si esta bien, solo avisame algunos dias antes de tu llegada
see u soon
At 9:45am on September 22, 2010, La Casa En Las Nubes said…
Hola! gracias por tu interes, but we are looking for a couple who are over 25 years with alot of experience in sustainable living and organic agriculture. We need reliable, responsible, enthusiastic hard workers, that preferably knows Mexico and speaks spanish, to care of our cats and work in our farm for 1 or 2 months starting in october or middle of october. If you are interested and totaly qualify or if you know somebody, please look for wwoofers application in our blog http://casaenlasnubes.blogspot.com/ and send it to lacasaenlasnubes@hotmail.com
Thank you, The House in the Cloud
At 9:52am on September 22, 2010, La Casa En Las Nubes said…
But we're interested in youre profile, can you stay for 1 to 3 months? we still have to look for an other person, a girl preferably, do you know somebody that wants to come to work with you? if you still interested please send us your application, tanks Gisela
At 10:13pm on September 22, 2010, Tona Luisa Osher said…
Harry, send me your email in the message. Sounds good for November. I may have to be away part of the time so so cordinate with me by email. Thanks for writing. Call 52-739-35 019.Blessings.
At 8:59pm on September 24, 2010, Javier Zamora Rios said…
Hola Welcome.

can you write us at:
so we can see about the dates.

Please also read:

thanks and see you soon
At 9:12pm on September 30, 2010, Melissa McNell said…
Hi Harry--we are very remote but do have some interesting projects going on. You are certainly welcome to come and help us out. Melissa
At 5:15pm on November 28, 2010, Tona Luisa Osher said…
HI Harry. It's me, Tona, again writing you. If you are available immediately it would be great for you to call me at 52 739 3955019 anytime. My English woofer here has to leave the 5th of December and I would love for you to come right away so you could get oriented while I'm here. I have much to tell you about Mexico (30 years), about ecovillage, permaculture and collective living. I will be needing to head out to Defend Native Corn with my portable soft sculptures and bilingual verbal skills (see tonaosher.blogspot.com/) for grass roots campesino groups who are sending me to the climate change event in Yucatan in 2 day's time. Will be back the 16th of December. If you think you can come now please write me at t_osher@yahoo.com, or call. I will happy to teach you Spanish and give you my time and experience when I'm back. Affectionately, T.
At 9:30am on November 30, 2010, ali wellington said…
I saw your page because it is linked with the farm i am looking at (temazcallunaroja). I would love to talk and ask some questions because you seem like you have been doing this for a while and may have some ideas. I will be new to Mexico coming from California in about a month. If you have the time to talk i would love an email.
thank you.

ali rose

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