WWOOF Mexico

Gro Vildmand Morgensol
  • Female
  • copenhagen
  • Denmark

Gro Vildmand Morgensol's Contacts

  • salvador montaño arambula
  • humberto moro

Gro Vildmand Morgensol's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I have some experience in earthconstruction already, i helped to build a kitchen and an oven and how to mix the earth and make the structure. Not much experience in other skills concerning selfsustainable living, but big passion and curiosity, and im eager to learn more.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I am a traveller since many years, i love the earth and connexion between the people and i am on a mision to learn everything i possibly can about self sustainability, i am looking to be completely self sufficient, to step out of society and go back to the roots, back to nature. I am very interested in different ways of constructing with all kinds of natural and recycled material, about greywater treatment, medicinal herbs, and permaculture. I am new to WWOOF, i just found it, and i am SO happy to find something like this! In lak'ech

Gro Vildmand Morgensol's Photos

Messages Box (1 message)

At 2:41pm on October 23, 2012, salvador montaño arambula said…

Thanks for your interest in participating in our project, here's a lot of work and your help will be greatly appreciated.
on the dates that you want to visit are fine, write me a week before arrival to explain how to get to place.
in our place there a 50 pesos per day to cover food, I understand that can be a bit difficult to give a share but for now we bad economic times, I hope you understand!
I send you greetings from my wife and son.

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