WWOOF Mexico

Angela Vera Mohr
  • 60, Female
  • Heidelberg
  • Germany

Angela Vera Mohr's Contacts

  • José Ricardo Briseño Medina
  • leon shlejter
  • hostel solferino paradise
  • WWOOF Mexico

Angela Vera Mohr's Farms


Angela Vera Mohr's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
gardening: eggplants, zucchini,tomatos,... I know ecovillages in Germany. to care horses and other animals, to ride, to cook, to be Nanny.Tengo mucha experiencia con ninos y jovenes.....
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
Mis dos ninos(14 y 9 anos) y yo quieren homeschooling: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKAfv0QwX64&p=D2961A335A8A474B&a... . Somos basta con el systema {escolar} aleman! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZjZFcXXrFs .Queremos aprender de la vida y quedar en Mexiko para un ano o mas. Qien save que sera....Hablo espanol e ingles, conocimientos medicos, me gusta ayudar, trabajar y vivir juntos en medio de la naturaleza. Soy persona espiritual sin religion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKR75OP1dtk&feature=relmfu

Angela Vera Mohr's Photos

Messages Box (4 messages)

At 11:44am on January 16, 2011, Kippy Nigh said…

Hola Angela!

This is outrageous about the aggressive suppression of home schooling in Germany!  People should have the choice about where and how to educate their children.  Some people prefer private schools, and others prefer home schooling. i have known some very well-educated home-schooled people, so i have no prejudice against that.

If you decide to come to work with us, we would need to find a good place for you to sleep.  There is a one-room apartment on the roof of La Csa del Pan, with an outdoor area, half in shade and half in sun, concrete, next to our rooftop garden area.  We don´t have permission to camp on the land loaned to us for the seed-saving garden, on the edge of town.

i hope this is helpful.  Best wishes, and let me know what you think, kippy

At 9:49am on January 23, 2011, La Casa En Las Nubes said…

Hello Angela!

Your kids and you look like really nice people, but we don't have work right now, we have to make found first and then we can invite you to work in our project, thanks for your interest in our farm.

peace, love and light,


At 8:55am on November 6, 2011, Kippy Nigh said…

Hello Angela,

i am still not in San Cristobal.  You are most welcome to work in the gardens and receive meals in La Casa del Pan according to our wwoofer agreement.  i am not sure if you can live there with your children yet, because of other volunteers, but perhaps it is possible.  i will confirm.

Saludos, kippy

At 7:58pm on November 6, 2011, Angela Vera Mohr said…

Thank you, we are very happy to read this message from you!

I wrote you, that at the moment we live in an hostal. I already paid for the hole month of november. So it would be perfect for us to start at the first of  December. But you decide, if  it ' s earlier or  later . 

Happy to be there soon, Greetings, Angela  :-)

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