WWOOF Mexico

Diana Ortiz
  • Female
  • Xalapa, Ver
  • Mexico
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms (2)
  • Photos
  • Photo Albums

Diana Ortiz's Contacts

  • Tona Luisa Osher
  • Elias Escalante
  • Terresa Beck
  • Kippy Nigh
  • Kairyn
  • WWOOF Mexico

Diana Ortiz's Farms


Diana Ortiz's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
My experience is recent, now part of a volunteer in a school workshop. In which composting processes are developed, vegetables and recycling workshops.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I am a cheerful, optimistic, hardworking and eager to learn and share knowledge. I love working in / with / for the Earth.

Messages Box (4 messages)

At 9:21pm on November 15, 2011, Angela Vera Mohr said…

hola, estamos en

At 11:41pm on November 28, 2011, Kippy Nigh said…

Dear Diana, i am very sorry to tell you this, but i have complications in my schedule here.  I cannot accept your offer to work at the garden until January.  i hope that´s okay with you, and that you can come at that time.



At 8:00am on December 15, 2011, Kippy Nigh said…
Hola Diana,
Puedes venir a La Casa del Pan, Real de Guadalupe 55 y preguntar por mi con Sofia, la administradora. No voy a estar el 18 ni el 19
Saludos, y buen viaje, kippy
At 6:20pm on May 21, 2012, Kippy Nigh said…

Hola Diana,

Con gusto te acepto la ofterta de trabajar en la huerta en julio, si no te molesta compartir el dormitorio con dos otras personas.

Saludos, y estamos en contacto,


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