WWOOF Mexico

Giselle Roldan Hernandez
  • Female
  • Tlaltizapan, Morelos
  • Mexico

Giselle Roldan Hernandez's Contacts

  • Rancho "El Sagrado"

Giselle Roldan Hernandez's Farms


Giselle Roldan Hernandez's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I was a wwoofer in Canada/ Fui wwoofer en Canada.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I'm a great worker, I'm very serious in what I'm doing. I'm easy going and I kinda know somethings about farming, like I said before, I was wwoofer in Canada. I spent there 5 months, 5 months wwoofing and I have good references! I'm here looking for a farm, so i can spend my summer there helping, you will see that I'm very passionate about farming! If you have space for me, let me know!--------------------------------------------------------------------------Soy una excelente trabajadora, muy seria en todo lo que hago. Me llevo muy bien con todos fácilmente! Soy muy amiguera, además de que tengo algunos conocimientos sobre lo orgánico y granjas en general. Como dije anteriormente, estuve 5 meses como wwoofer en Canadá y tengo excelentes referencias!. Ahora mismo, estoy buscando una granja en la cual pasar mi verano ayudando, ya que la vida de granjero me apasiona! Si tienes espacio para mi en tu granja, hazme lo saber!

Visit my FB page/Visita mi página de FB: https://www.facebook.com/gizel.auttenberg

Giselle Roldan Hernandez's Photos

Messages Box (1 message)

At 10:33pm on January 24, 2018, CARLOS RODRIGUEZ MORALES said…

my family and i have a farm near to guatemala in chiapas, if you are interents always we need help and good luck in your search

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