WWOOF Mexico

Kinga Margarita y Kudra Mariposa's Comments

Messages Box (8 messages)

At 5:21pm on May 28, 2009, Paloma Goldberg said…
Hi are you interested in a month in New Mexico l7 miles south of santa fe. If so please respond again to my posting through mexico. I am no longeer in Mexico until next January. thank you
At 4:59pm on May 29, 2009, Wally Carlson said…
Hi Elvira and Keiszer,
Thanks for your interest in our farm. Would you please respond back to our email: hwallycarlson@hotmail.com Our farm is south of San Blas in the state of Nayarit on the Pacific coast. We are currently harvesting and processing mangoes. We have some other projects too which may interest you. We look forward to hearing back from you.
At 8:38pm on April 8, 2010, Melissa McNell said…
Sure--we have interesting projects happening all of the time--just let us know when you want to come our way.
At 5:50pm on August 30, 2010, humberto moro said…
We are still in the process of moving the farm to another town, sorry we are not able to receive you folks at this time.
Thanks for writing.
Have a nice trip thru Mexico

At 4:49pm on January 14, 2012, Terresa Beck said…

The new years has begond and there are alot of new beginnings here at naturescradlecollectivo@yahoo.com, cuna de la Naturaleza . Write to me directly if you are still interested in co-creating with the commuity at large(small really) here.

Paxz, Terresa

At 6:55pm on January 9, 2014, Victoria A. Vargas said…

Hi we don't have to much going on yet we are starting out and we don't have to much money so we are somewhat frugal with expenses.  I want you to know if accomodations is what you need you and Keiszer are welcome to stay with us and explore baja if you so wish....maybe we do have a lot going and I may just be underminding it...lets keep in touch...


At 2:59pm on February 25, 2014, Gail Edith Blackburn said…

Hi Elvira,

I am sorry, I only accept WWOOFers at La Rosa to work on the farm, not at the resort and I am sorry, but I do not have a position open right now.

Thanks, Gail

At 3:19pm on April 6, 2014, Gail Edith Blackburn said…

Hi Elvira,

I am sorry but our farming season here in Sinaloa is from October through April and the Farmers Market here ends at the end of this month. So, I am not accepting any WWOOFers until September.  If you think that you might be interested in volunteering here then or in the fall or winter please email me directly at larosadelasbarras@gmail.com.

Thanks, Gail

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