WWOOF Mexico

nathan bernager
  • Male
  • Tamarin
  • Mauritius

Nathan bernager's Contacts

  • Claudia Herrmann
  • Roberto Lepe
  • WWOOF Mexico

nathan bernager's Farms


nathan bernager's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I worked in a few farms during the summer in France and in Mauritius (where i live withe my family) I collected grapes, apple, corn and did many kind of activities and jobs in farms.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I am a young motivated men who is willing to learn and too help for i really want to be taught about anything i dont know ant to discover Mexico from the inside by living WITH the Mexican.

nathan bernager's Photos

Messages Box (4 messages)

At 4:15pm on October 18, 2015, Roberto Lepe said…

Nathan, eres bienvenido. Aquí mi mail personal, es mas fácil robertolepe@gmail.com y con gusto te esperamos, cuando sepas las fechas me dices para estar al pendiente.

Saludos, R.

At 7:51am on October 19, 2015, nathan bernager said…

Muchas gracias Roberto te diré cuando tengo fechas mas preciso.

Con mi amistad


At 2:24pm on January 6, 2016, Ben James Slatky said…

Hi Nathan,

I'm considering working at the coffee farm in San Juan Lachao. It looks like you were as well. I was wondering if you ended up visiting the farm, and, if so, how was your experience?


Ben Slatky

At 12:01pm on January 8, 2016, Claudia Herrmann said…

hi ben

your very welcome to stay with us in puerto

my phone is not working at the moment but if your still interested we can meet today or when ever it suits you

thanks eli

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