WWOOF Mexico

Karla Patricia Acosta Rodriguez
  • Female
  • Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes
  • Mexico
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms (11)
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Karla Patricia Acosta Rodriguez's Contacts

  • cecile fabien daviaud
  • Javier Zamora Rios
  • Kippy Nigh
  • Wally Carlson

Karla Patricia Acosta Rodriguez's Farms


Karla Patricia Acosta Rodriguez's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I started my own urban garden at home, i actually eat a few of my vegetables
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I want to declare my food independence

Messages Box (10 messages)

At 7:58pm on December 3, 2012, cecile fabien daviaud said…

Hola Karla,

Creo que de eso se trata, y eso es lo mas importante, las ganas de aprender y de trabajar. Con todo gusto, podemos recibirte. Pedimos a los voluntarios que se queden minimo un mes en la granja, para facilitar su integracion con el grupo. La granja tiene principalemente actividades de huerto y de vivero, pero buscamos impulsar otras actividades. Gracias por confirmarnos tu llegada. Que te vaya muy bonito!

At 8:54pm on December 3, 2012, Wally Carlson said…

Hola Karla, would you please share more information about yourself - age, goals, experience.  You may respond directly at hwallcarlson@gmail.com


At 6:31pm on December 4, 2012, Wally Carlson said…

Thank you, Karla, I understand Spanish but not well to write quickly.  I hope you will excuse using English.

We are mostly a tree farm - organic fruit.  Ordinarily we have a large vegetable garden too but this year I am devoting to painting and so I am having a small garden.  This might be a disappointment to your goal but I think we have a lifestyle that you can learn a lot about sustainability.  We are vegetarians and we eat very well.  We like for volunteers to be teachable and to realize that learning is never about only one thing - it is life-learning.  I think you would enjoy our healthy life.  We can offer a little house of your own.  The work is varied on the farm.  Generally we work mornings, have a main meal together and in the late afternoon a little work.  There is a tianguis that I sell food on Sunday mornings.  I also care for dogs and cats in the village in a monthly clinic and I am active in an event for raising money to fund the clinic.  You are welcome to participate.  Community is important to our life here.  What do you think?  Does this sound like it will fit you?


At 7:55pm on December 4, 2012, Wally Carlson said…

Yes, you are welcome to come and stay for 3 weeks minimum and longer if you choose.  We look forward to meeting you.  Are you traveling by bus?  If so, Tepic is our capital and from there to San Blas and another bus or taxi to Aticama.  We are about 10 km south of San Blas.  Our village is ATICAMA.  We are on the Pacific Coast.  Once you get to Aticama we will pick you up in front of the Catholic church on the plaza.  Our cell number is 327 102 6974.

At 11:37am on January 2, 2013, Wally Carlson said…

Happy New Year!  We are awaiting your arrival on the 3rd of January.


At 1:29pm on January 4, 2013, Anand Dílvar said…

Friends we are going to be close since I will travel myself until the end of January. After that we have space and work and joy for plenty.


At 3:05pm on January 6, 2013, Wally Carlson said…

We assume since we didn't hear from you that you are not coming.  I hope that you are ok.

At 2:20pm on January 7, 2013, Wally Carlson said…

This is a very important time for our farm.  When you said you wanted to come work here we turned down other applicants in favor of you.  For reasons unknown to us you didn't show up.  Now we have no help.  The fact that you haven't responded or even showed us the courtesy of telling us you can't come is very disturbing.  I don't recommend that other farms consider taking you in.  We'll also notify this organization .

At 1:09pm on January 9, 2013, Rogelio y Nievska said…


Siento mucho no haber respondido antes. Estamos ya saturados para este mes y el que viene...Suerte y buen comienzo de año. 


At 12:47am on August 19, 2013, Tona Luisa Osher said…

Espero que encontraste tu nicho.Ahora suspendo hasta final de agosto de recibir wwoof, dado a compromisos familiares.Gracias.T.

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